Advanced World War: Last of the Millennium
(AWW: Sennen Teikoku no Koubou)
アドバンスド ワールド ウォー 千年帝国の興亡)

(Created February 2023)

Playing AWW: Last of the Millennium in an Emulator

AWW:LotM is one of the “trickier” games to get working in an emulator. It's taken a long time for Saturn Emulation to achieve the reliability of other system emulators, because the Saturn itself was an incredibly complex system with multiple processors working together in sync.

Rated in order of reliability, the emulators that can run AWW:LotM are:


Mednafen is a really good Saturn emulator; and is somewhat (slowly updated), with the most recent update (1.27.1) being on 13 June 2021. It doesn't have the control problems of Yabause, and can read ISO files, unlike SSF.

So what's the story with this game?

A long time ago, I saw screenshots of this in a US video gaming magazine

Via the internet archive:

Ultra Game Players 98 (June 1997), page 108 (Picture)

ASK THE INDUSTRY – You ask the questions, the experts answer

2. I’ve heard from several sources that Sega Of Japan will once again design and develop Iron Storm II, and that Working Designs will port the game to the United States. Is this true? Are Sega’s dealings with Working Designs exclusive?

Iron Storm 2 has already been developed and released by SOJ in Japan. SOA had reviewed this title a couple months ago and decided not to bring it to the US. We know that Working Designs was a potential publisher since they published the original Iron Storm, but I don’t know if that deal has been finalized. You’ll have to ask Working Designs about their plans for exclusivity.

While “Advanced World War” wasn't a true Daisenryaku game, it used an Iron Storm derived engine and had a lot of unique ideas outside of the mainstream Daisenryaku concepts.

Sega of Japan (SOJ) briefly considered bringing it to the US as Iron Storm II, but what apparently scuttled this idea was the "over the top" presentation of “Advanced World War” in relation to the Germans; with the Swastika plastered everywhere, which wouldn't be easy to remove via simple localization -- as you'd need to change a lot of core game files.

Iron Storm was able to be sold to Sega of America (SOA) because it wasn't as blatant -- there was a US and Japanese campaign -- allowing it to be presented as a "World War II game" rather than "NAZIS ALL THE NAZI TIME", as was the case with Advanced World War.

Japanese Ad for AWW:LOM and Review in Sega Saturn Magazine Weekly (1997/04/04 Vol 10) (Image) (Magazine PDF Excerpt)


新発売6.800円【シミュレーション】©SEGA ENTERPRISESLTD.1997

:次世界人戦時、当畤のドイツ総統ヒトラーは门国を「干年帝国」と称した。だがその野望も実は!)余年しか統かず、ゲルマン民族の繁栄と 世界制覇の野望は徐々に滅亡の戦いへと変わっていく。ヨーロッパ大陸を屮心に、壮大なスケールで繰り広げられる戦岡の数々。



フルポリゴンの兵器、3D戦間シーン、充実のマップ数とシナリオ分岐がすごい。 费富なマップを戦い抜く爸には登史を決定する権利がある。マップごとのな況のみではなく.プレイヤー が選べる選択鼓によっても史冥は変わっていくだろう。


戦車や兵士が進撃する『陵」と、航空摄が撇び囲る「空」:それぞれのフィールドを別々の平面で展関。 もちろん羯者はひとつの策かりをもっており、たとえば般車の上に航空履が進むことが可能空間の拡 がりをもった戦塌マップとなっている。

CONTROLS (While on Map)




Cycle through units?

High Level Jump Map of Battlefield

Select Commander?




Switch between Air/Ground Maps



Standard Mode Scenarios

As in Iron Storm, Last of the Millennium contains several stand-alone scenarios that can be directly selected without having to go through the campaign

1 (Manstein Plan)
99 Turns, 2 Star Difficulty; Battle of France, May 1940.

2 (Battle of Britain)
99 Turns, 4 Star Difficulty; Battle of Britain air battle.

3 (Conqueror of the Mediterranean)
99 Turns, 3 Star Difficulty; Reproduces the battle between the German/Italian Combined Fleet and the Royal Navy in the Mediterranean Sea.

4 (Tobruk Pinch)
99 Turns, 3 Star Difficulty; the battle between the Deutsche Afrika Korps and the British Tobruk Garrison.

5 (Operation Spring Breeze)
99 Turns, 3 Star Difficulty; The battle in Tunisia between the Allied forces that landed in Morocco in February 1943 and the German troops that continued to withdraw.

6 (Operation Autumn Frost)
99 Turns, 5 Star Difficulty; In December 1944, the German army suddenly launched a major offensive in the Ardennes region, a scenario that recreates the famous "Battle of the Bulge".

7 (Great Siege of Kiev)
99 Turns, 2 Star Difficulty; In September 1941, in front of Moscow, the German army suddenly started to capture Kiev.

8 (Stalingrad Urban Warfare)
99 Turns, 3 Star Difficulty; an urban warfare scenario set in Stalingrad.

9 (Operation Winter Storm)
99 Turns, 5 Star Difficulty; It is a reproduction scenario of "Operation Winter Storm", the rescue operation of the besieged German 6th Army.

10 (Lost Victory)
99 Turns, 4 Star Difficulty; It is a scenario that reproduces the German-Soviet large tank battle in Kursk in July 1943.

This game has extra content which can be viewed when accessing the disc on a PC.

Folder / File Type Size description

AWW_ABS.TXT TXT (Abstract) 651 About this game.

AWW_BIB.TXT TXT (Bibliographiced) 616 Reference material

AWW_CPY.TXT TXT (Copyright) 32 Copyright

README.TXT TXT 6,115 Messages from the developers.

Cheats (LINK)

F6000914 C305
B6002800 0000

D60339F2 F777
Start + L + R simultaneous press code valid

3603033B 00XX
Any number of turns

1603037E VPMAX held by FFFF military expenses


Note: Generals other than the main character and partner will be returned for each side, so save the first side.


16032854 0352 Maximum SUPMAX
16032856 0352 Now SUPMAX
16032858 03E7 EXP MAX
36032886 0063 Level MAX
36032888 00D7 Maximum FPWMAX
3603288A 0009 Subordinate unit MAX
36032894 007F Attack Power Modification MAX
36032895 007F Defense Correction MAX
36032896 007F Movement force correction MAX
36032897 00FF Learn all special skills
16032898 FFFF
1603289A FFFF


160328B6 0352 Maximum SUPMAX
160328B8 0352 Now SUPMAX
160328BA 03E7 EXP MAX
360328E8 0063 Level MAX
360328EA 00D7 Maximum FPWMAX
360328EC 0009 subordinate unit MAX
360328F6 007F attack power correction MAX
360328F7 007F defense correction MAX
360328F8 007F Movement correction MAX
360328F9 00FF Learn all special skills
160328FA FFFF
160328FC FFFF


16032918 0352 Maximum SUPMAX
1603291A 0352 Now SUPMAX
1603291C 03E7 EXP MAX
3603294A 0063 Level MAX
3603294C 00D7 Maximum FPWMAX
36032958 007F Attack Power Modification MAX
36032959 007F Defense Correction MAX
3603295B 00FF Learn all special skills
1603295C FFFF
1603295E FFFF


1603297A 0352 Maximum SUPMAX
1603297C 0352 Now SUPMAX
1603297E 03E7 EXP MAX
360329AC 0063 Level MAX
360329AE 00D7 Maximum FPWMAX
360329BA 007F Attack Power Modification MAX
360329BB 007F Defense power correction MAX
360329BC 007F movement correction MAX
360329BD 00FF Learn all special skills
160329BE FFFF
160329C0 FFFF


160329DC 0352 Maximum SUPMAX
160329DE 0352 Now SUPMAX
160329E0 03E7 EXP MAX
36032A0E 0063 Level MAX
36032A10 00D7 Maximum FPWMAX
36032A1C 007F attack power correction MAX
36032A1D 007F Defense power correction MAX
36032A1E 007F movement correction MAX
36032A1F 00FF Learn all special skills
16032A20 FFFF
16032A22 FFFF


16032A3E 0352 Maximum SUPMAX
16032A40 0352 Now SUPMAX
16032A42 03E7 EXP MAX
36032A70 0063 Level MAX
36032A72 00D7 Maximum FPWMAX
36032A7E 007F Attack Power Modification MAX
36032A7F 007F Defense Correction MAX
36032A80 007F Movement correction MAX
36032A81 00FF Learn all special skills
16032A82 FFFF
16032A84 FFFF


16032AA0 0352 Maximum SUPMAX
16032AA2 0352 Now SUPMAX
16032AA4 03E7 EXP MAX
36032AD2 0063 Level MAX
36032AD4 00D7 Maximum FPWMAX
36032AE0 007F Attack Power Modification MAX
36032AE1 007F Defense power correction MAX
36032AE2 007F Movement correction MAX
36032AE3 00FF Learn all special skills
16032AE4 FFFF
16032AE6 FFFF