WW3 Encyclopedia
NATO Definitions of
Warsaw Pact Readiness Levels

(Slightly Updated 25 March 2014)


NIE 11-14-85/D Trends and Developments in Warsaw Pact Theater Forces, 1985-2000 (September 1985)
By Central Intelligence Agency, September 1985 (6.02 MB PDF)

A Briefing on NATO and Warsaw Pact Conventional Forces as presented to Allied Ministers of Defense
by the US Secretary of Defense, August 1973 (915~ kb PDF)

Readiness Levels (1980s?)


Manning/Equipment Levels

Combat Readiness

Category A (NATO)

75% to 100%

Combat Ready

Category A1 (US Army)

95% to 100%

Combat Ready

Category A2 (US Army)

75% to 95%

Combat Ready

Category B (NATO)

50% to 75%

Ready in a few days

Category C (NATO)

5% to 50%

Ready in 2 Months' Mobilization

Category C1 (US Army)

25% to 50%

Ready in 2 Months' Mobilization

Category C2 (US Army)

5% to 25%

Ready in 2 Months' Mobilization

Category D (NATO)

0% to 5%

Ready in 6 Months' Mobilization

Mobilization Levels (1970s?)


Personnel/Equipment Levels

Notes on Combat Readiness

Category I

75% to 100%

The majority of these divisions are located within the forward area opposite the NATO Central Region. Subordinate units of these divisions train extensively and are maintained at a high state of combat readiness. These divisions have a full set of combat equipment. They may lack many of the required general purpose vehicles, but such vehicles could be quickly mobilized from the civilian economy. They are essentially combat ready as they stand and are ready for movement within one day or less.

Category II

50% to 75%

These units must be brought up to authorized strength through the mobilization of reservists and civilian vehicles, but could be mobilized and deployed to assembly areas within 5 days.

Category III

20% to 35% Personnel
25% to 50% Equipment

Equipment includes essentially all tanks and artillery pieces. However, most elements of these divisions must undergo extensive extensive expansion through mobilization of reservists and the addition of civilian transport vehicles. Though it is likely the equipment and personnel for these units could be assembled within a week or so, it would require several weeks to process equipment and manpower into the various sub-units.