Pirates Gold!
Pirates Gold! For Genesis/Megadrive was a near exact port of the Amiga CD32 version; missing the 3D rendered full motion video intro, and I assume the CD-quality sound tracks.
Colors were slightly different between the Amiga CD32/Genesis versions due to the different palettes – the Amiga could display 256 colors on screen from a 16.7 million color palette; while the Genesis could only display 64 colors from a palette of 512. Additionally, the Amiga version had higher resolution bitmapped fonts to take advantage of the higher resolution of PAL televisions in Europe.
Some text was changed slightly between the two versions, I assume to save space; you can see the differences below on this page.
Hall of Light Page
on Pirates Gold! for Amiga CD32
Amiga page on Pirates Gold! for Amiga CD32
page on Pirates Gold! for Amiga CD32
CD32 Intro Screenshot
The Ten Pirate Quests: Below, they are listed as they appear in the end game screen:
1.) Captured Pirate
2.) Rescued Sister
3.) Rescued Father
4.) Rescued Mother
5.) Rescued Uncle
6.) Got Married
7.) Silver Train
8.) Treasure Fleet
9. Incan Treasure
10. Title of Nobility
Fountain of Youth: To get this, you need to complete all ten pirate quests and then retire. When you're asked whether you want to return to sea or stay on land, choose “Return to a Pirate's Life”. Save your game in the current town. Reset the console and load the saved game. The year and age of your pirate will have reset, but everyone thinks you're a pirate. Leave the town and quickly return; and then everything is back to normal again as people no longer think you're a pirate.
Fencing as Special Skill: This makes for significantly easier ship captures as you just sail straight into it, and then do a quick duel against the enemy captain until he surrenders to you.
You can use these in an emulator like KEGA Fusion, or on physical hardware. All these codes were developed by Mr. Hedstrom using an emulator to find memory areas and generate codes for them.
Mr. Hedstrom’s contact address is [email protected] (at least it was when he originally wrote these codes).
Mr Hedstrom’s Notes
If you are using these codes with a real Game Genie (on a real Genesis), you will probably not be able to save your game (this is because of the Game Genie, not because of the codes), but if you are playing on an emulator, you should have no problems saving your game.
Master code. Only use if you get a red screen, and
the game won't load.
When you choose English Buccaneer as your
nationality, you will start the game with $5000 gold. (instead of
only $2000 gold.)
code must be entered at the start of a new game.
When you choose English Buccaneer as your
nationality, you will start the game with $20,000 gold! (instead of
only $2000 gold.)
code must be entered at the start of a new game.
When you choose English Buccaneer as your
nationality, you will start the game with $80,000 gold! (instead of
only $2000 gold.)
code must be entered at the start of a new game.
When you choose English Buccaneer as your
nationality, you will start the game with 12 cannons (instead of only
code must be entered at the start of a new game.
When you choose English Buccaneer as your
nationality, you will start the game with 20 cannons (instead of only
code must be entered at the start of a new game.
When you choose English Buccaneer as your
nationality, you will start the game with 30 crew members (instead of
code must be entered at the start of a new game.
When you choose English Buccaneer as your
nationality, you will start the game with 56 crew members (instead of
only 40).
code must be entered at the start of a new game.
When you choose English Buccaneer as your
nationality, you will start the game with 250 crew members (instead
of only 40).
code must be entered at the start of a new game.
The Number of Cannons You Have Doesn't Decrease When
You Try To Sell Them At Seaside Towns.
(Infinite money cheat,
Don't Lose Any Crew Members When You Have Sword
(Although You Can Still Lose The Duel).
Enemy cannons can only shoot at you once during a
battle. After the first cannon shot, the enemy will not shoot at you
again. This makes it much easier to win battles. The code works on
sea and town/fort battles.
Don't get charged in shops (sugar, food, goods).
Infinite energy during sword fights.
Infinite energy during sword fights, plus your
opponent won't gain any energy when he hits you (this makes it much
easier to win the fight).
Commentary by Tony Hedstrom on the sword fighting energy codes: Also, when you are sword fighting, I saw in the assembly trace log that every time your opponent hits you, you lose energy, plus your opponent GAINS energy. That's why there are 2 codes above. If you use the first code, and you let your opponent get you in a corner and keep letting him hit you, you will never die (because of the code), but every time he hits you, his energy goes up (which makes it more difficult for you to make a come back). The second code fixes that problem. |
Never age (your age and health will never change).
Note that this code also affects the year of your voyage (it won't
increase). Haven't tested much.
Your ship always sails faster on
Your ship always sails much
faster on map.
Set your Fleet Crew Size in Men:
NOTE: This is a two byte code due to the use of two hex locations. Crew size is not binary, but hexadecimal; e.g. 200 men = C8.
FF01C5:xx (Byte
FF01C4:xx (Byte Two)
Digits for Crew Size in
1 = 1
19 = 25
32 =
64 = 100
96 = 150
C8 = 200
Set your Pirate's Titles
English: FF00D0:xx
Title Ranks
00 = No title
01 = Ensign
02 =
03 = Major
04 = Colonel
05 = Admiral
06 =
07 = Count
08 = Marquis
09 = Duke
Set your Pirate's Fleet Gold
NOTE: This is for your pirate's FLEET gold count. Basically, this is what you have during your voyage, and is used in calculations on how happy/unhappy your crew is. This is a two byte code due to the use of two hex locations. Gold is counted in increments of 10, e.g. 1000 gold is counted as 100 by the game engine. Additionally, the values aren't binary, but hexadecimal.
(Byte One)
(Byte Two)
(Left Number is if just Byte One is this value, Right is if both bytes are this value)
19 = (250 / 64,250 Gold)
32 = (500
/ 128,500 Gold)
64 = (1,000 / 257,000 Gold)
C8 = (2,000 /
514,000 Gold)
Set your Pirate's Private Gold
NOTE: This is for your pirate's PRIVATE gold count. It's what counts towards your Retirement funding and ultimate end-game score. This is a two byte code due to the use of two hex locations. Gold is counted in increments of 10, e.g. 1000 gold is counted as 100 by the game engine. Additionally, the values aren't binary, but hexadecimal.
FF0135:xx (Byte
FF0134:xx (Byte Two)
(Left Number is if just Byte One is this value, Right is if both bytes are this value)
19 = (250 / 64,250 Gold)
32 = (500
/ 128,500 Gold)
64 = (1,000 / 257,000 Gold)
C8 = (2,000 /
514,000 Gold)
Set your Pirate's Land Claims
Land Claims
00 = No Land Claims
01 = 50 acres
02 =
100 acres
03 = 150 acres
04 = 200 acres
05 = 250 acres
= 300 acres
07 = 350 acres
08 = 400 acres
09 = 450 acres
Set your Pirate's Age/Health
00 = 25 years old, Fine Health
01 = 26 years old, Fine
02 = 27 years old, Fine Health
03 = 28 years old, Good
04 = 29 years old, Good Health
05 = 30 years old, Good
06 = 31 years old, Fair Health
07 = 32 years old, Fair
08 = 33 years old, Fair Health
09 = 34 years old, Poor
etc so on
14 = 45 years old, Poor Health
19 =
50 years old, Poor Health
Set Your Ship's Cannon Reload Speed:
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must enable this only during naval combat. At any other time, it is prone to making your game lock or act weird!
00 = Near Instantaneous
01 = Approx ~ 11 seconds
Infinite Sword Fight Energy
Infinite energy during sword fights.
Ship Sailing Speed on Main World Map:
001E = Moderate Speeds (Decimal 30)
003C = Fast Speeds (Decimal
005A = Really Fast Speeds (Decimal 90)
00B4 = Insanely Fast
Speeds (Decimal 180)
Commentary by Tony Hedstrom on the ship sailing speed code: It took around 20 minutes [to find the code] I used Gens Hacking version to find the RAM address, then Gens Tracer for the debug/assembly. Here's a quick run down... I did a memory trace (write) on the RAM address and there was only one address that came up for every time the speed changed: [01:A62C] W16 = 002A [FF1240] Looking at that address in the assembly trace log, I noticed that there was some code that compared the ships speed to a value of 06, and branched if greater than or equal to. I figured out that is for "minimum speed" (won't allow your ship to go below 06). To make the "Sail Faster" Game Genie codes above, I just inserted a Branch instruction from a spot before the game subtracts from your speed, and had it branch to the "Minimum Speed" value (so it will always go there), and the second code changes the minimum speed to whatever speed you want (I used values of 20 and 36 (hex) for my two codes ("faster" and "much faster"), but can use just about any values you want). I see you went crazy with some of your "Speed values". lol. Here is what the assembly looks like (D0 is the ship's speed): 01:A614 4A 2D TST.B $1208(A5) A0=FFFFC9C0 A1=FFFF6923 A2=00000000 A3=FFFF121A A4=00FFFFDA A5=FFFF0000 A6=00FFFFDE A7=00FFFF7E D0=0000002A D1=54000083 D2=00000004 D3=00000025 D4=00000000 D5=00000000 D6=000048AF D7=00000002 xnzvc 01:A618 67 08 BEQ #$08 [01:A622] A0=FFFFC9C0 A1=FFFF6923 A2=00000000 A3=FFFF121A A4=00FFFFDA A5=FFFF0000 A6=00FFFFDE A7=00FFFF7E D0=0000002A D1=54000083 D2=00000004 D3=00000025 D4=00000000 D5=00000000 D6=000048AF D7=00000002 xnZvc 01:A622 0C 40 CMPI.W #$0006,D0 A0=FFFFC9C0 A1=FFFF6923 A2=00000000 A3=FFFF121A A4=00FFFFDA A5=FFFF0000 A6=00FFFFDE A7=00FFFF7E D0=0000002A D1=54000083 D2=00000004 D3=00000025 D4=00000000 D5=00000000 D6=000048AF D7=00000002 xnZvc 01:A626 6C 02 BGE #$02 [01:A62A] A0=FFFFC9C0 A1=FFFF6923 A2=00000000 A3=FFFF121A A4=00FFFFDA A5=FFFF0000 A6=00FFFFDE A7=00FFFF7E D0=0000002A D1=54000083 D2=00000004 D3=00000025 D4=00000000 D5=00000000 D6=000048AF D7=00000002 xnzvc 01:A62A 37 40 MOVE.w D0,$0026(A3) A0=FFFFC9C0 A1=FFFF6923 A2=00000000 A3=FFFF121A A4=00FFFFDA A5=FFFF0000 A6=00FFFFDE A7=00FFFF7E D0=0000002A D1=54000083 D2=00000004 D3=00000025 D4=00000000 D5=00000000 D6=000048AF D7=00000002 xnzvc I changed 01:A614 to 6012 (Branch). It branches to 01:A628 which is the minimum speed value. I changed that address from 7006 to 70xx (xx = whatever minimum speed you want). Your ship can go faster than the minimum speed, but will never go slower. |