Text/Data is from


Mass Effect 1/2:
Scan the Keepers Quest

(Shepard spies a Salarian sneaking up to and scanning a Keeper)

Ashley: That guy's up to something.

Kaidan: What guy?

(Shepard approaches the Salarian, who hurriedly stands up)

Chorban: What? Oh. No. I wasn't – Never mind.

(He steps away from the Keeper)

Chorban: Um, yes. Is there something you want?

Shepard (FOLLOWING THE KEEPERS?): Why are you so interested in the keepers?

Chorban: Keepers? I've got no interest in the kee--

Ashley: Don't get coy. I know what I saw.

Chorban: I... uh. I'm not so sure I should be talking to you about this.


Shepard (WHY NOT?): We're just talking. Is there something wrong with that?

Chorban: No. I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you. I'm using a small scanner to gather readings on the keepers. So far, I've had mixed results. I find it difficult to get near the creatures.


Shepard (WHY THE LIES?): Why were you being so secretive about it, though?

Chorban: Well, technically we're not supposed to disturb the keepers. I don't really think my scanning disturbs them, but the authorities might disagree. I'd like to do it more openly, but it's not really worth getting arrested over.

Shepard (LET ME HELP): I could help you out. I'm not worried about the authorities.

Chorban: I don't even know who you are.

Shepard: I'm Commander Shepard, with the Alliance military.

Chorban: Hmm. Well, I suppose I could use the help. You'll need this. It's the scanning device I developed. Activate it each time you see a keeper. All collected data will automatically upload to my database. I'll even send a few credits your way for each unique scan.

Shepard (WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?): What are you doing with the data once you've scanned it?

Chorban: Trying to learn whatever I can about the keepers. We see them working everywhere, yet we know so little about them. I'm a scientist. I want to know what makes them tick.

Shepard (GOT IT): I should get going, then.

Chorban: Yes. I have much work myself. So long. And good luck with the scanning.

(Chorban walks away)

(Shepard then scans all 21 keepers)

Email from Chorban in Mass Effect 2
(This appears on Shepard's terminal if you completed the Scan Quest in ME1)

Concerns re: keepers
From: Chorban

I hope this address still works. I promised to send you intel on the keepers if I found anything, and this is important. See, those scans you took? It turns out the keepers are bio-engineered... and based on my comparisons to some of that material from Saren's flagship Sovereign, they were engineered millions of years ago... by the same people who made Sovereign!

You may not understand how important this is, but it suggests that the Citadel wasn't really made by the Protheans! It may have been made by something far older, with the keepers as organic guardians. And what's more, based on my genetic readings, they're supposed to react to... something, some signal or something... about every 50 thousand years. You can measure genetic variances; it's a bit like comparing rings on a tree to see the drought years.

Whoever did this... well, around the last time this signal went off would be around the time the Protheans disappeared. And it's scheduled to go off sometime around now. If any of the old tech still works, they could have some nasty surprises waiting for us.

Just thought you'd want to know. Nobody here on the Citadel will listen to me.
