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Examining the DLC_CON_END_Test_INT.tlk file from the ME3 Extended Cut DLC

Mass Effect 3 – Liara's Time Capsule and the Refusal Ending

(Shepard is in their cabin on the Normandy)

Shepard: Liara, you had something you wanted to discuss in my cabin?

Liara (over intercom): Yes, I'll be right up.

(Liara enters Shepard's quarters holding a device)

Shepard: Come on in.

Liara: Thank you. Could we sit?

(Liara sits down, followed by Shepard)

Liara: I've been thinking about the knowledge we gathered on the Reapers, and how easily it could be lost again. So... I put a plan in motion to preserve things for the future.

(Liara activates the device she carried in)

Shepard: What's this?

Liara: A record of the galaxy. Information on the Reapers, relays, different cultures... and blueprints of the Crucible. But there's one entry I wanted your opinion on.

Shepard: Which one?

Liara: Your own. (a hologram of Shepard appears) I'd be honored to have your input. How would you like history to remember you?

Shepard (YOU'RE SURE IT'LL LAST?): Fifty-thousand years is a long time for a computer to sit around.

Liara: Please, I was an archeologist. I know what I'm doing. I'm encasing these records in time capsules and seeding copies on multiple planets. And while it's not foolproof, the VI I'm installing has every translation and linguistics program I could find.

Shepard: So it's an information guide, like Vigil on Ilos?

Liara: Yes. I've been preparing it for some time.

Glyph: And it will be a privilege to guide the future discoverers of these records. Have you decided what you would like Dr. T'Soni to write in your entry, Commander?



Shepard (I'D LIKE YOU TO DECIDE): You know me well enough to fill in the blanks, Liara.

Liara: Are you sure?

Shepard: Yeah. I'd like it to be your call.


All right... let's begin with the fact that Earth's most famous officer was born and raised in space.

I'll start by saying Commander Shepard was born on Earth and fought harder than anyone else for her homeworld.

Well... I'll say Commander Shepard was born on Mindoir but never let what happened there define him.


The Commander was a strong biotic and a skilled technician, a deadly combination in a fight. (if biotic)

Shepard was an extremely talented biotic--and one of the most powerful fighters in the Alliance. (if biotic)

The Commander was also a powerful biotic, nearly unstoppable when she charged into a fight. (if biotic)

Shepard could handle any weapon in the galaxy. The Alliance never saw a deadlier soldier.

The Commander was also a skilled engineer--the best the Alliance ever offered in battle, in fact.


She was a leader who knew when to be persuasive and when to apply pressure.

She was a soldier and a leader--one who made peace where she could.

While I didn't always agree with her decisions, I still respected them.

Liara: And it was a privilege to know her.

Shepard: Careful this doesn't sound like a diary.

Liara: I can't help myself. You're a good friend, Shepard.

Shepard (SO ARE YOU): You've been there for me, too, Liara.

Liara: No, I haven't. I wish I could have joined you back on Illium.

Shepard: You made up for it.

Liara: Well, I suppose I did just write your name in the stars.

(The two of them lean back)

Catalyst and Battle of Earth

Catalyst: Your time is at an end. You must decide.

Shepard: No. I'm going to end this war on my terms.

Catalyst: Then you will die knowing that you failed to save everything you fought for.

Shepard: I fight for freedom, mine and everyone's. I fight for the right to choose our own fate, and if I die, I 'll die knowing that I did everything I could to stop you. And I'll die free.

Catalyst: So be it. The cycle continues.

Refusal Ending

(It is 50,000~ years since the Battle of Earth and the scene fades into an idyllic garden-like planet as a voice begins speaking)

Liara: If you're hearing this... then there is still hope.

(The view slowly pans downwards, through the dirt and rock of the planet to reveal an underground chamber filled with technological gadgets)

Liara: Hope that you can avoid the same mistakes we made.

(The chamber is filled with dead television/holo screens and in the center of it, a flickering hologram of Liara is speaking)

Liara: We fought the Reapers, but we failed to stop them.

(The hologram clasps it's hands together as in apology)

Liara: We did everything we could. We built the Crucible, but it didn't work.

(The hologram of Liara transmutes into one of the Crucible, before returning to Liara's form)

Liara: We fought as a united galaxy, but it wasn't enough. I only hope the information in this capsule is enough to help you before it's too late.

Liara: My name is Dr. Liara T'Soni. Herein lies the recounting of our war with the Reapers.

(The hologram fades out, leaving a chamber lit only by the dim glow of what appear to be power generators, and off to one side, away from the holographic disc; you spot on a pedestal, the same device that Liara had brought into Shepard's quarters long ago.)

(Fade out to an alien child talking to an adult)

Child: Did all that really happen?

Stargazer: We'll never know exactly what it was like, but yes, the archives tell the true story of those who came before us. They fought a terrible war so we wouldn't have to.Yes.

Child: And that's why we have peace?

Stargazer: Yes. Without everything they accomplished, without the information they passed down, we too would be threatened.

Child: What else do we know about the Shepard?

Stargazer: Just what we have in the archives. (Pause) But I've only told you a few of the stories.

Child: Can you tell me another one? Please?

Stargazer: It's getting late, but...okay, one more story.