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Mass Effect 3 – Javik

(This takes us to the initial post-mission debriefing in his room on the Normandy)

(random chatter about Eden Prime while on the shuttle)

Shepard: If we find survivors, we'll do what we can. What about this artifact? Is it part of the Prothean device we found on Mars?

Liara: The Alliance didn't get any specifics about what Cerberus has uncovered. But whatever it is, it's better off with us than with Cerberus.

(Shuttle arrives at the dig site on Eden Prime and they begin to explore)

Shepard: Look at that. Bits of Prothean tech sticking out of the ground like an old bone.

James: Hey, Liara, you ever find dinosaurs while you're digging around?

Liara: No, dinosaurs and other fossils would be paleontology. I'm an archeologist. I study artifacts left by sapient species. The two fields are completely different, and... you were joking.

James: Hey, I just like dinosaurs.

(Some more exploring)

Shepard: Any idea what that is, Liara?

Liara: I can't tell much from here, but it's from their final dynasty. Functional, but without the decoration of earlier periods. Archeologists always wondered why Prothean architecture became simpler at the end. It's clear now--they were too busy fighting the Reapers to care about aesthetics.

(Some more exploring)

Liara: There. That's the elevator that leads down into the dig site.

(Liara operates the elevator controls, bringing up a mysterious black object on it)

Liara: Goddess... that doesn't seem possible. It's not a Prothean artifact. It's...

(Liara walks up to the object)

Liara: ...a Prothean.

James: You mean a Collector? Those things the Reapers turned the Protheans into?

Liara: No... an original, unmodified Prothean. Who's still alive.

Shepard: You're right. That doesn't sound possible.

Liara: You saw Prothean stasis chambers in the archives on Ilos. The only reason those failed was lack of power.

(Liara starts scanning the object with her omni-tool)

Liara: Cerberus found this in an underground bunker. It still has power. He's been in stasis for the past 50,000 years. Waiting for us. Think of what we could learn.


Shepard (I'M CURIOUS ABOUT THEM): What can you tell me about the Protheans? The people, not the technology.

Liara: Given your experience with the Prothean cipher, you probably know as much about them as I do. The Prothean empire spanned the known galaxy. They uplifted countless other species to help them join the galactic community.

James: Uplifted, huh? Like when the salarians helped the krogan to evolve a little... faster?

Liara: Yes. Judging by the dig sites like the Prothean archive on Mars or here on Eden Prime, the Protheans wanted other species to learn. It's clear that they prized knowledge, growth, and cooperation with the rest of the galaxy.


Shepard (IMPRESSIVE): The way you describe them, they sound a lot like the asari.

Liara: I'm certain I'm coloring their culture with my own perceptions. Whatever the Protheans were, finding one alive represents an incredible opportunity.

Shepard (THEN I'M GLAD YOU'RE HERE): Good thing we brought our Prothean expert.

Liara: I hope I can help. If this single Prothean was sent into stasis, he could be the foremost scientist of his time... or perhaps the wisest counselor. Hmm. Cerberus damaged the lifepod when they excavated it. The life signs are unstable.

Shepard: Then let's get him out of there.

Liara: No, breaking open the pod would kill him. We have to find the command signal that ends the stasis mode. We also need to figure out how to physically open the pod without doing more damage. Cerberus took over the labs nearby to research what they found at the dig site. That's likely our best bet.

(Cerberus shuttle flies over and starts disgorging troops; causing Shepard and company to fight through the area)

Liara: There. That lab found footage of the Protheans. Cerberus is studying it to figure out how to physically open the pod.

(Shepard enters the lab and accesses the footage. It shows Protheans fighting on foot a Reaper; triggering a larger flashback sequence)

(Javik (as we later know him) is firing a rifle at oncoming corrupted/husked Protheans that strongly resemble Collectors.)

Javik: Victory, Seal the bulkheads!

Victory: Acknowledged.

(Javik drags a badly wounded Prothean behind the closing doors. After they slam shut, he takes a breather)

Javik: How many have we lost?

Victory: Reaper forces have destroyed approximately 300,000 lifepods.

(Javik kneels down and inspects a pod that is lying on the ground. It opens to reveal a boiled alive Prothean inside)

Javik: A third of our people.

Victory: Alert, north-side bulkhead cannot be sealed. Hostiles detected.

Javik: Then all forces to the north!

(Flashback ends for Shepard)

Shepard: I think I can duplicate that to open the lifepod.

Liara: You understood that?

Shepard: You didn't?

Liara: No. All I saw was static. Cerberus was trying to make sense of it... without success. The Prothean Cipher you received on Feros... it lets you see the images as a Prothean would... and understand their language.

Shepard: Whatever it does, I saw the video... and how they sealed the lifepods.

Liara: Perfect. Then we just need the signal they use to activate stasis mode.

(Some more exploring and fighting)

Liara: There. That lab found footage of the Protheans. Cerberus is studying it to find the stasis deactivation signal.

(Shepard enters the lab and accesses more footage of the Reapers fighting on the ground, before triggering another Flashback scene)

(Javik is walking next to a civilian)

Civilian: I never thought our empire would fall.

Javik: It won't. We will sleep here until the Reapers return to dark space. Then we will rise, a million strong.

Civilian: For the empire.

Javik: For the empire. Get to your stasis pod.

(Javik walks away)

Javik: Victory, broadcast the stasis readiness signal to all lifepods.

Victory: And the refugees who have yet to reach the bunker?

(Javik looks to the side for a moment)

Javik: Their sacrifice will be honored in the coming empire.

(A massive explosion rocks the bunker – followed by corrupted Protheans swarming forth into the bunker. Javik draws his rifle and the flashback ends)

Liara: You understood that one, too?

Shepard: Yeah. I've got the signal the Protheans used to activate stasis mode.

Liara: Excellent. Then we have everything we need to open the pod.

(Much more fighting, until the Cerberus forces are finally defeated)

Liara: There! You can open the lifepod now!

(Shepard approaches the lifepod and does something to the control panel. It slowly begins to open)

Liara: There. You've got it.

(Everyone looks inside the coffin)

Liara: Goddess...It may take him some time to fully regain consciousness...

(Javik's four eyes slowly open – he takes in the faces around him and then unleashes a biotic attack that sends everyone sprawling. Javik climbs out of the coffin unsteadily while everyone else is on the ground and falls to his knees)

Liara: Be careful. He's confused!

(Javik stumbles to the edge of the platform and takes in the green landscape of Eden Prime)

Liara: Remember, it's been 50,000 years for us, but for him, it's only been...

(Shepard walks up and touches Javik, triggering a Prothean Flashback)

Prothean Voice: ..a few minutes!

(Javik turns around)

Victory: No, the bunker is falling. There is no other option.

Javik: There are pods online! Those soldiers are still alive!

Victory: Their sacrifice will be honored in the coming empire. (Pause) Preparing neutron bombardment. Get to your lifepod now.

(Javik runs away as Victory fades into green static. Javik spies a lone pod lying on the ground. It opens up and he gets into it.)

Victory: Neutron bombardment underway.

(The screen shakes)

Victory: The bunker is secure, Commander Javik.

Javik: What is left of it. A few hundred people. How am I to rebuild an empire from that?

Victory: Further adjustments may be necessary. The neutron purge compromised the facility.

Javik: Clarify.

Victory: Sensors are damaged. Automated reactivation is not an option. You will remain in stasis until a new culture discovers this bunker. This may lead to a power shortage.

(Javik's eyes widen as he realizes what this means and he replies agitatedly)

Javik: Do not shut off more pods! I need the few that are left!

Victory: Power needs will be triaged appropriately. You will be the voice of our people.

Javik: I will be more than that.

(scene fades to black and we return to our time; and both Shepard and Javik stumble away from each other. Javik falls to his knees again.)

Javik: How many others?

Shepard: Just you....(pause) you can understand me?

Javik: Yes. Now that I have read your physiology, your nervous system. Enough to understand your language.

Shepard: So you were reading me, while I was seeing...

Javik: Our last moments. Our failure.

Shepard (I NEED YOUR HELP): I saw what happened to your people. I know you must be grieving. But they died 50,000 years ago. My people are dying right now.

Shepard (IT WASN'T A FAILURE): Your people did everything they could. They never gave up. And I could use some of that commitment now.

Cortez (Over radio): Shepard, whatever you did got Cerberus interested.

(Javik turns to see your other squad members)

(Liara and a Human) Asari. Human.
(Garrus) Turian. I am surrounded by primitives.
(Tali) Quarian. I am surrounded by primitives.
(Legion) Synthetic. This is not a good beginning.

Javik: I am surrounded by primitives.

Shepard: It's not safe here. Will you join us?

Javik: You fight the Reapers?

Shepard: Yes.

Javik: Then we will see.

(Shepard holds out their hand. Javik instead turns and walks away)

Back on the Normandy

(Shepard enters the room that has been set aside for Javik. There are guards outside and inside the room; and Liara is inside as well.)

Shepard: What's the problem?

Liara: I've tried to make the room more accommodating, but they're not letting me talk to him.</String>

Guard: Apologies, Doctor. Contact protocol with a new species: "Assume hostility." We had to dust off the regulations.

(Javik is sitting crosslegged, meditating)

Liara: But he's not new. I've spent my life studying Protheans.


Shepard (WE CAN TRUST HIM): At ease. I don't think our guest will be a problem.

(Javik slowly stands up)

Shepard: Will he?

Javik: That depends on you.

(Javik grabs Shepard and the guards leap back and aim their rifles)

Javik (If Losing): I can sense fear in you. Anxiety and distress. The Reapers are winning.

Javik (If Winning): For a soldier facing the Reapers, I sense... more confidence than fear. You believe you are winning.

(He lets go of Shepard)

Shepard: What do you mean, "you sense"?

Javik: All life provides clues for those who can read them. It is in your cells, your DNA. Experience is a biological marker.

(Shepard motions for the guards to put their weapons away)

Shepard: Then what exactly did I experience back on Eden Prime? That was a hell of a flashback.

Javik: The battle left its own mark on me. I communicated this to you. It can work both ways.

Liara: Like your beacons?

(Javik turns around to face Shepard)

Javik: Yes. Which...

(Javik grabs Shepard again, and we see the message from ME1)

Javik: ...you found one. You saw it all--our destruction, our warnings...Why weren't they heeded? Why didn't you prepare for the Reapers, human?

Shepard: It's "Commander," and nobody could understand your warnings. The beacon nearly killed me.

Javik: Then communication is still primitive in this cycle.

Shepard: We pieced together what we could and used it to stop a Reaper invasion three years ago.

(Javik spins around)

Javik: Then the extinction was delayed?

Liara: Now we have your plans for the device. We're going to build it.

Javik: “Device”?

Liara: The weapon your people were working on--I'd hoped you could tell us how to finish it.

(A diagram of the Crucible appears on the holowall; Javik moves over to look at it)

Javik: We never finished it. It was too late.

Shepard: Then I take it you don't know anything about the Catalyst?

Javik: No. I was a soldier, not a scientist. Skilled in one art: killing.

Liara: What was your mission?

Javik: Among my people, there were... avatars of many traits: bravery, strength, cunning. A single exemplar for each.

Shepard: Which are you?

Javik: The embodiment of vengeance. I am the anger of a dead people, demanding blood be spilled for the blood we lost. Only when the last Reaper has been destroyed will my purpose be fulfilled. I have no other reason to exist.

(Shepard motions for the guards to leave. They salute and leave)

Javik: Those who share my purpose become allies. Those who do not become casualties.


Shepard (THAT'S EXTREME): Nothing in our fight against the Reapers has been that cut-and-dried.

Javik: Because you still have hope that this war will end with your honor intact.

Shepard: I do.

Javik: Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and ask the ghosts if honor matters.


Javik: The silence is your answer.

(Cut to a prothean thing floating on a column of blue light)

Liara: We found this at the dig site. I assume it belongs to you.

Javik: It is a memory shard.

Liara: Could it help us with the device?

Javik: No. It contains only pain. But I will help you fight. And the last thing the Reapers hear before they die will be the last voice of the Protheans sending them to their grave.

Liara: If you don't mind, I have a few more questions I'd like to ask.

Shepard: Here it comes...

Liara: I've written over a dozen studies on your species. I've published in several journals--

Javik: Amusing. Asari have finally mastered writing.

Liara: I'm sorry?

Javik: Never mind. What do you wish to know?

Shepard (YOUR SENSORY ABILITY): We've never seen a species with this sensory ability you have.

Javik: It was common among my people, imparting experience through touch. The chemistry of life. Complicated ideas could be absorbed in seconds.

Liara: That sounds very useful.

Javik: We evolved as hunters. Reading a thousand details in our environment ensured our survival.

Shepard (EXPLAINS THE BEACONS): I'm beginning to understand the beacons a bit more.

Javik: Later, we developed technology to harness our ability. Information could be stored in certain objects through touch. Memory has its own biomarker, its own chemistry. As do knowledge and skills... the beacons could "remember" these things.

Shepard: Things like Reaper invasions.

Javik: Yes, I can still sense the turmoil in you. Witnessing the extinction of our empire. The fabric of your being was forever marked that day.

Shepard (WHAT ABOUT THIS ROOM?): So could you read something about this room?

(Javik bends down and touches the floor plates)

Javik: There was... liquid. A form of incubation. The DNA of a... krogan who lived here. He was powerful, prone to violence.

Shepard: I'm impressed. His name was Grunt.

Javik: And if he were my enemy, I would have given him a wide berth. There is great strength in his genes.

Shepard (PROTHEAN CIVILIZATION): Liara, here, would never forgive me if I didn't ask you...What was Prothean civilization like?

(Liara goes into full Mass Effect 1 Maiden mode here and steps forward excitedly)

Liara: Yes, I've always wondered. What sort of government did you have? And can you tell me about your religious beliefs? Or perhaps--

Javik: We are dead now. What does it matter?

Liara: I'm... sorry. Studying your history has been a lifelong passion of mine.

Javik: When I was born, our empire was already at war with the Reapers. The first thing I remember was seeing my planet on fire.

Shepard (BUT BEFORE THAT?): What was your civilization like before the Reaper attack?

Javik: We were the dominant race of our cycle. We ruled the galaxy.

Liara: My studies indicated you were the only race engaged in space travel at the time. I always found that curious.

Javik: We were one empire composed of many subjects. All eventually called themselves "Prothean."

Shepard: What if they didn't want to?

Javik: They weren't given a choice.

Shepard (YOU MEAN SLAVERY): Are you saying you enslaved the other species?

Javik: Any could oppose us if they wished. And if they had won, they would have ruled. Many tried. None succeeded.

Liara: I had no idea Protheans were so... severe.

Javik: It was by necessity. Very early we encountered the dangers posed by machine intelligence. They rebelled against us.

Shepard: We've had the same problem. They're called "geth."

Javik: We could not allow the machines to surpass us. It was decided the only way to win was to unite all organic life within our empire.

Liara: Did it work?

Javik: For a time. The "Metacon War." We were turning the tide. Until the Reapers arrived. Then we understood machines had surpassed us long ago in ways we could never imagine.

Shepard (YOUR MISSION): Back on Eden Prime it looked like there were other stasis pods. What happened?

Javik: The empire had fallen, and we knew our cycle was lost. We were the final vanguard, the best soldiers left alive.

Liara: So more of you were supposed to survive into this cycle?

Javik: Yes. Under my leadership, a new Prothean empire would have arisen. We would have commanded the races of your time to prepare for the next Reaper invasion. But traitors within our ranks--indoctrinated agents--betrayed us, and the Reapers discovered our plan.

Shepard (WHAT IF IT HAD WORKED?): Just out of curiosity, how would you have "commanded" us?

Javik: By leaving you no other option. You would have joined our army--or faced the Reapers alone.

Shepard: We've uncovered quite a few Prothean ruins. Were you observing our ancestors?

Javik: Before the war, we cultivated species who showed potential. Eventually, you would have been offered a... choice to join the empire. But when the Reapers attacked, we ceased all study. We hoped they would see you as too primitive to harvest.

Shepard: Well, thank you. I think.

Shepard (PROTHEAN WAR WITH REAPERS): What can you tell us about your own war with the Reapers?

Javik: Many of the details were lost. The conflict lasted for centuries. Those that faced the Reapers in the beginning were long dead when I was born. There were memory shards, however, passed down from soldier to soldier. They gave us fragments of what happened.

Shepard (HOW DID YOU FIGHT REAPERS): How did your people wage war against the Reapers?

Javik: Attrition. We fought them system by system, planet by planet, city by city. Entire worlds were sacrificed just to slow the Reapers down. Time they spent harvesting a population was time we could regroup.

Shepard: That must have cost you in the long run.

Javik: Yes. Our own people would be indoctrinated... converted...then turned against us. But there was no choice. Mercy is not a weapon--it is a weakness.

Shepard (WE MET VIGIL ON ILOS): Several years ago, we found a Prothean VI that called itself "Vigil" on the planet Ilos. He was the caretaker of a research project.

Javik: During my life, Ilos was only a rumor. It was said we had cities there, built on the ruins of a civilization before us--the Inusannon. If our scientists did have a research facility, whatever they were doing was secret.

Liara: Yes, Vigil said they wiped all traces of themselves from the records so the Reapers couldn't find them.

Shepard: The scientists eventually went into cryogenic stasis.

Javik: More of my people survived?

Shepard: No. But they did stop the Reapers from taking control of the Citadel in this cycle. It delayed their invasion.

Javik: I never saw the Citadel. It was captured long before I was born.

Shepard (WHY DID YOU LOSE): Why do you think your own cycle lost the war?

Javik: What had been our strength--our empire--became a liability. All races conformed to one doctrine, one strategy. The Reapers exploited this. Once they found our weaknesses, we could not adapt. The subservient races became divided and confused. Then, it was only a matter of time.

Liara: I'm happy to say our cycle is different. Most races cooperate, but they still remain unique.

Javik: Then it may be your only hope.

Shepard (PROTHEAN DEVICE): Is there anything more you can tell us about the device your people were trying to build?

Javik: We heard only stories. They said our scientists were constructing a great machine that had the power to defeat the Reapers.

Shepard: You never saw it?

Javik: By that point the empire was smashed into pieces. None of us knew what the others were doing.

Liara: Well if we don't finish it soon, the same will be true of us.

Shepard: Thank you for talking with me. I never imagined actually meeting a Prothean.

Javik: This has been...amusing.

Shepard: Oh?

Javik: To discover the most primitive races of my time now rule the galaxy. The asari, the humans, the turians...

Liara: There's also the salarians.

Javik: The lizard people evolved?

Liara: I believe they're amphibian. (she crosses her arms)

Javik: They used to eat flies.

(Liara squints and walks away)

Javik: Commander, you may count on me. I am known as Javik.

Shepard: Then welcome aboard the Normandy, Javik.