Mass Effect 2 – EDI conversations on Cerberus

(These occur after EDI's blocks have been removed.)

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EDI: Jeff's actions have released the blocks on my databases. I can now provide full disclosure on a number of topics.

Shepard (STRUCTURE OF CERBERUS): How is Cerberus organized? Aside from the Illusive Man, I don't see much chain of command.

EDI: Cerberus is organized into task-oriented cells. Each operates in isolation. Members from one cell cannot recognize the members of another. Each cell's agents are led by a single operator. We are called the Lazarus cell, which is directed by Operator Lawson.

Shepard (HOW MANY CELLS ARE THERE?): So how many operations is Cerberus running right now?

EDI: Never more than a dozen. The Illusive Man likes to maintain personal oversight. Too many projects strain his ability to multi-task.

Joker: He's a little control-freaky. Just a layman's opinion.

Shepard (RESOURCES): What sort of resources does Cerberus have? Money, personnel, facilities...?

EDI: Currently, Cerberus consists of approximately 150 agents and operators organized into three cells. I have no solid data on material or fiscal resources. Spending trends indicate that Cerberus has a reliable income of several billion credits per year.

Shepard: Where are they getting that kind of income?

EDI: Cerberus has several legitimate businesses as "fronts" to support operations. There also appear to be several wealthy private contributors in the Alliance military-industrial complex.

Joker: Plus, the Illusive Man invented the paper clip. He's still getting royalties.

EDI: That is a joke, Shepard.

Shepard (BUILDING THE NORMANDY): How did Cerberus replicate the most advanced warship in the Alliance Navy without anyone knowing?

EDI: Cerberus encouraged the Alliance to co-develop the original Normandy. This allowed humans to observe Turian technologies and warship design practices. This ship was built using copies of the original technical schematics. Parts were purchased from thousands of suppliers over several years. A Cerberus cell assembled the ship at a remote location in the Voyager Cluster.