Text/Data is from


Mass Effect 2: The Bachelor Party

(Shepard encounters a Human, Turian and Salarian sitting at a table at Illium)
(An Asari dancer is on the table, doing a strip-tease type dance as all three watch)

Salarian: I still don't see why we're here. Salarians do not "get married." My family simply negotiated a reproduction contract--

Human: Whatever. It's the closest you guys get to a wedding. And that means you get a bachelor party. End of story.

Salarian: I don't understand. Humans celebrate wedding contracts by tempting infidelity? That makes no sense!

Human: Calm down, man! Don't embarrass me in front of the stripper.

Salarian: What do turians do? Do turians do this, too?

Turian: I'm just here for the drinks.

Salarian: You said that bachelor parties are for very close friends. We're just co-workers.

Human: We've been co-workers for five years, though. Aren't salarian years like dog years?

Salarian: Okay, now -- that's offensive.

Salarian: I appreciate the gesture, but my people don't even have sex drives the way humans do.

Human: Uh-huh. Take a look at that, man. Everybody likes the asari. Everybody.

Salarian: But we actually reproduce by... my word, she is very... limber. I can appreciate her dancing in an aesthetic manner, but... I don't have... feelings of... hmm... she is a lovely shade of blue.

Turian: Okay, that makes my legs hurt just watching it, and my knees are meant to bend that way.

Salarian: This isn't as bad as I had feared. It's actually... i-is it warm in here?

Human: Okay, you see that bit there?

Salarian: The little divot in her abdomen?

Human: It's called a belly button. Humans and asari have them, and you're going to be doing shots out of it later tonight.

Turian: That can't be sanitary.

Human: Not the point, man!

Salarian: I can understand why I might find asari attractive. But how can they be attractive to humans, too? They look just like salarians!

Human: What? They look exactly like us! I'm... I'm not seeing the salarian thing at all. At all.

Turian: You're both wrong. Asari look just like blue turians. Look at the head-fringe!

Human: Wait. You don't think they're, like, mind-controlling us to see them as attractive, do you?

Turian: Please be quiet. You're going to ruin asari for me. And there aren't many turian women on Illium.

Salarian: Well, I suppose watching just one more dance wouldn't hurt.

Human: Ha-ha-ha! That's the spirit!

Turian: As long as I'm not paying for the drinks.