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Mass Effect 2 – Conversation with Aethyta at the Bar

(Shepard walks up to a bar in Ilium; Conrad Verner is there, bothering the Asari Bartender)

Conrad: You want to see how far I'll go? I learned how to shove a gun in people's faces from--

(Conrad turns around and sees Shepard)

Conrad: ...Commander Shepard?

Aethyta: Hey, if you know this idiot, can you rein him in before I slap his ass with a singularity?

Conrad: Shepard? Is it really you? It's me, Conrad Verner! We met on the Citadel? I wanted to become a Spectre?


Conrad: Oh, uh, and then you shoved a gun in my face! You showed me what it meant to be truly extreme. I learned that lesson well.

Shepard: Why were you trying to get the deed to this place?

Conrad: This place is actually a front for a red sand dealer. I need to take it over to crack the ring!

Aethyta: What? Who the hell told you that?

Conrad: The owner of that weapons store near the carport! She's an undercover cop! She told me about it when I introduced myself.

Aethyta: Listen, crap-for-brains: first, we don't sell red sand. Second, red sand is legal on Illium! You just need a license!

Shepard (LET ME HANDLE THIS): I'll talk to this undercover cop and figure out what's going on.

Aethyta: Thank you. If I kill annoying customers, it usually causes property damage. That comes out of my pay.

Conrad: Just let me know if you need any help, Shepard!

[Shepard later deals with Conrad after talking to the cop]

Aethyta: Thanks for taking care of that crazy guy. Saves me having to beat him to death with his own spine. That makes the other customers nervous. Anyway, this is Eternity, and I'm Aethyta, asari matriarch and bartender. Get you anything?

Shepard (MATRIARCH? REALLY?): You're an Asari matriarch? I thought matriarchs served as honored advisors.

Aethyta: Right. Which I do here at this bar. I know, not what you'd expect. But nobody on Thessia wanted to listen to my wise counsel, so here I am.


Aethyta: Dad was a krogan who fought in the Rachni Wars. My mother fought in the Krogan Rebellions. I've pretty much seen it all.

Shepard (WORKING AT A BAR): Why is a matriarch in a bar serving drinks?

Aethyta: It's better than what most other matriarchs are doing. Look at that screw-up with Saren and his geth a few years back!

Aethyta (Destiny Ascension survives): Their ships were hanging bare-assed in space when Saren started shooting. If not for you humans, we would've bought it right there.

Aethyta (Destiny Ascension destroyed): All that Asari wisdom got the Destiny Ascension blown to hell, and now you humans are in charge.

Aethyta: And I warned them! Told people on Thessia what was coming, and they didn't want to hear it.

Shepard (WHAT WAS COMING?): What didn't they want to hear?

Aethyta: That art and philosophy and political prowess wasn't going to cut it. We can't go a single asari lifetime without some big war breaking out. We need to get our daughters working earlier, not spending their wild maiden years stripping or in merc bands. When I started talking about making new mass relays ourselves, they laughed the blue off my ass. So now I serve drinks.

Shepard (PARENTS IN WARS): If your mother fought in the Rebellions and your father was a krogan, didn't that cause tension?

Aethyta: They didn't meet until a few hundred years after the turians put the boot in with the damn genophage. As far as either one knew, they were both just warriors. Dad boasted, Mom stayed quiet. Mom was a matriarch herself, and Dad was near-on a thousand, when the truth came out.

Shepard (AND THEN?): What happened when he found out?

Aethyta: I was about a hundred, shaking my ass in some sleazy bar. They got me on the link, told me that they were going to have it out, and made me promise to love whichever one survived. Turned out to be damn easy, since neither one did. Family, huh? What a kick in the quad.

Shepard (MOTHER): Your mother fought in the Krogan Rebellions?

Aethyta: I don't know whether she (makes air quotes with fingers) “fought.” She scouted, sniped a few people, and blew up a couple of space stations.


Aethyta: You know, commando stuff. She'd put the old commando leathers on for special nights with Dad. Goddess, that was embarrassing. (puts hand to crest at that last sentence).

Shepard (FATHER): You said your father fought in the Rachni Wars?

Aethyta: Yeah, when he was young. Loved showing off his war scars. Krogan think they're sexy. Me, I go for asses. When I was a girl, he'd tell me about landing on this poison-filled world and stomping a rachni queen into muck. (she smiles as she says it). The scientists say all that stuff about us getting genetic material from the father is crap. Seems like I got a bit of his mouth, though.

Shepard (LONG LIFE SPAN): What's it like, living for nearly a thousand years?

Aethyta (If Feros Dies): Violent. Wars break out, colonies get destroyed. Mindoir, Eden Prime, Feros... It's been like that forever.

Aethyta (If Feros Survives): Violent. Wars break out, colonies get destroyed. Sometimes you hear good news, like that colony on Feros surviving. That's the exception, though.

Aethyta: You find peace in whatever arms will hold you. Turian, elcor, hanar... Even had a pureblood daughter. I was the father. Didn't work out. Then one day you wake up, your figure's gotten matriarchal, and everyone else is too young to remember how the quarians looked inside those suits.

(as Shepard is about to leave)

Aethyta: Right. Don't eat the nuts in the red bowls. They're for turians and quarians. You'll get cramps.

(if Shepard is returning)

Aethyta: Welcome back, babe. Can I get you anything? Sorry, no sex. Just cleaned the bar.

Miscellaneous One-Liners:

Aethyta: Once saw a krogan drink a liquefied turian on a dare six or seven centuries back. Nobody came out of that one looking pretty.