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Mass Effect 2 – Samara / Morinth Conversations

This will cover a significant portion of Samara's Plot Arc as both she and Morinth explain a lot about Asari backstory.

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(Shepard walks up to Officer Daria in her office on Ilium)

Officer Dara: Can I help you with something?

Shepard: I'm looking for an Asari warrior named Samara.

Dara: Wait. Why? Do you have a problem, or... Did she kill somebody already? (Daria gets out of her chair in a state of agitation)

Shepard (I ONLY WANT TO TALK): Relax – I just need to speak with her.

Shepard (SO WHAT IF SHE DID?):

Dara: Good. Samara's the first justicar I've seen on Illium. If I'm lucky, things will stay peaceful.

Dara: She went to the commercial spaceport a few hours ago. If you want to get there, the pedestal on that balcony will summon a cab. Just be polite when you meet her. Justicars embody our highest laws, and they usually stay in asari space. She's not used to dealing with aliens.

Shepard (WORRIES ABOUT SAMARA): Is Samara really that dangerous?

Dara: If you follow the laws, you've got nothing to fear. And a justicar would die without hesitation to protect the innocent. But their code orders them to stop lawbreakers. With lethal force, in most cases. And everyone skirts the law somehow on Illium. If someone tried to bribe her, she'd be obliged to gun them down as a matter of honor. I'm hoping to avoid that.

Shepard (CONCERN ABOUT ALIENS): Why are you worried about other species coming into contact with her?

Dara: If a justicar kills an Asari, none of us questions it. But if she killed a human...Do you think the Alliance would understand her actions and respect her authority? You can't even figure out your own religions. It's a big diplomatic incident just waiting to happen.

Shepard (JUSTICARS): Tell me about the Justicars.

Dara: They're a monastic order. They've given up their families and possessions to follow their code. Most of them are on some lifelong mission, but they'll always stop to deal with any injustice they encounter. Which can be a problem. In some ways, they're a lot like the Spectres, undertaking personal missions.

Shepard (WHO GOVERNS THEM?): Spectres are authorized by the Council. Who do justicars represent?

Dara: What? That's like... I don't know a good human metaphor. They represent their code. Our code. It's closer to a religious group than a legal branch. No law-abiding asari would question a justicar's orders. Nobody becomes a justicar for personal gain. And they'd die before breaking their oaths.

Shepard (WHERE DID SHE GO): I'm looking for Samara.

Dara: Like I said, she's at the commercial spaceport. You can hail a cab at the pedestal on that balcony over there.

(Shepard nods and leaves)

(Fade to black)

(Fade in to Shepard's skycar landing as an argument between a Volus and an Asari detective is taking place)

Detective Anaya: Where do you think you're going?

Pitne For: I'm taking my goods to Omega, Detective.

Detective Anaya: You're not going anywhere, Merchant. Not until I solve this murder.

Pitne For: I had nothing to do with that! It was those mercenary thugs you can't seem to get rid of.

Detective Anaya: The victim was your business partner, and I'm not ruling you out. I'll let you know when you can leave.

Pitne For: What about that justicar that just showed up? Everyone says she might go crazy and start killing! I need to leave.

Detective Anaya: She'll only kill the unjust -- so I'm sure you have nothing to worry about, Pitne For. Find me in the station if you need me.

(Shepard approaches Pitne For)

Pitne For: What do you want? I've already got mercs wanting to kill me like they did my partner! I don't need any more trouble. As if that weren't enough, some asari justicar showed up this morning. All the natives are scared of her. I've got to get off of this world.

Shepard (WHY IS EVERYONE NERVOUS): Has Samara actually done anything yet?

Pitne For: The asari say that justicars are lethal in a fight, and if they so much as smell corruption, they start shooting. The thing is, corruption isn't that hard to find around here.

Shepard (DO YOU KNOW WHERE SHE IS?): Tell me how to find the justicar.

Pitne For: She's in the alley where my business partner was murdered. A detective sealed the area, so you'll have to talk with her if you want to go there.

(Extraneous conversations with Pitne For over his partner's murder dispensed with)

(Shepard talks to random bystanders)

Spaceport Official: I wanted to be a justicar when I was young. Every asari does, I guess.

Unknown NPC: I never thought I'd see a real justicar. I can tell my daughters about this.

Unknown NPC: The justicar is going to kill us all! This isn't like the vids when they just kill villains.

Unknown NPC: If you've ever done something bad, you'd better hide. That justicar will get you.

Unknown NPC: I'm glad the justicar is here. She'll clean out those filthy mercs. Restore law and order.

Unknown NPC: The cops are all jumpy about the justicar. Afraid she might do their job for them!

Unknown NPC: Must be a hard life, being a justicar. Everyone admires you, but they're scared of you, too.

Unknown NPC: I tried to read the Justicar Code once. It's long, complicated... and a little scary.

Unknown NPC: The justicar wouldn't kill an alien, would she? I don't think I've done anything wrong...

(Shepard enters Detective Anaya's office)

Anaya: Nice guns -- try not to use them in my district. What can I do for you?

Shepard: I'm looking for an Asari warrior named Samara.

(Shepard sits down in front of Anaya's desk)

Anaya: If you've got a score to settle with Samara, take it somewhere else -- I've got more than enough trouble here already.


Shepard (I NEED HER HELP): I need to recruit Samara for my mission, then we'll be on our way.

Anaya: Justicars usually work alone, but they are drawn to impossible causes.

Garrus: We've got that covered.

Anaya: If you're getting her out of my district, I'll get you to her ASAP. She's at the crime scene.

Shepard (WHY IS SHE THERE?): You're letting her into a sealed crime scene?

Anaya: I'm a cop -- I'll work with a justicar all I can. Besides, she's been looking at crime scenes longer than our two life spans combined. She knows how to handle herself.

Shepard (YOU WANT TO GET RID OF HER?): You're awfully anxious to get Samara out of your district.

Anaya: My bosses want me to detain her. They're worried she'll cause some kind of cross-species incident. But her Justicar Code won't let her be taken into custody. If I try it, she'll have to kill me. I have no interest in dying, so if you lure her away with some big noble cause before I have to carry out my orders, I'm thrilled to help you.

Shepard (DON'T FOLLOW THAT ORDER): Your superiors are sending you to certain death for no good reason. You have a right to disobey.

Garrus: We can disobey suicidal orders? Why wasn't I told?

Thane: That's about twice a day.

Shepard (MY REASONS ARE GOOD): Most of the time, I'm not being stupid about it. I can't say the same for Anaya's superiors.

Shepard (THIS IS SERIOUS): Our mission is more important than all of our lives. Anaya's superiors are just being foolish.

Anaya: I'm a cop, and I know my duty. I've been ordered to detain her and I will -- unless I can get her to leave my district first.

Shepard (SAMARA SOUNDS UNPRINCIPLED): Samara would kill a cop? That doesn't sound very just.

Anaya: She would die defending an honest cop, but she'd fight an army of dirty cops to the death. I admire her dedication, but her presence is still a big problem. I need her gone before I have to carry out my orders.

Shepard (GIVE ME DIRECTIONS): How do I get to the crime scene?

Anaya: It's around the corner -- go outside, take a left. Look for the police line. I'll send word to let you in. Be careful -- the local Eclipse mercs have been all over those back alleys lately.

Shepard (CRIME SCENE): You mentioned a crime scene?

(Anaya gets out of her chair)

Anaya: A volus merchant was murdered. It was a professional hit, so we're not dealing with junkies looking for a score. I'm thinking the local Eclipse mercenary band. Can't prove it, but if the volus was dirty too, maybe it's just a deal gone bad.

(Anaya sits back down)

Shepard (MERCENARIES): What do I need to know about these mercenaries?

Anaya: Eclipse mercs are professional killers. They sell red sand, trade illegal weapons tech, and smuggle criminals off-world. They control some back alleys around here. I haven't been able to find their nest yet, though.

Shepard (JUSTICARS): What can you tell me about Justicars?

Anaya: They're a kind of... humans might call them "warrior monks." They live by a complex code that compels them to punish the wicked and protect the pure. They've been a part of asari culture for millennia. I read adventure stories about justicars when I was a child.

Shepard (OPINION OF SAMARA): What do you think of Samara herself?

Anaya: She's been a justicar longer than three of your life spans. Whoever she was before she swore that oath, that person is dead.

Shepard (FEAR OF SAMARA): People seem nervous about Samara's presence.

Anaya: Asari admire justicars. But we also know that they kill without mercy when they find corruption. And justicars never leave asari space. Why is she here? I doubt it's to investigate the murder of some corrupt volus.

Shepard: I have to go.

(Anaya nods and Shepard gets up)

Anaya: Good luck.

Garrus: We'd better find Samara before the detective goes after her.

(Shepard and company fight through Ilium's back alleys until they find the area Samara is in)

(As they enter the room, an Asari Eclipse Mercenary goes flying through the air, hitting the wall next to the door's entrance and collapsing onto the floor. She doesn't get back up.)

(They spy another Eclipse Mercenary in a control room aiming a gun).

Eclipse Lieutenant: Those were my best troops.

(Samara walks up slowly, wreathed in a biotic field.)

Samara: Tell me what I need to know, and I will be gone from here. Where did you send her?

Eclipse Lieutenant: You think I'd betray her? She would hurt me in ways you can't imagine.

Samara: The name of the ship. Your life hangs on the answer, Lieutenant.

Eclipse Lieutenant: You can kill me, but one of us will take you down, Justicar.

(The Eclipse LT brings her pistol up to face Samara. Samara clenches her right fist and raises her right arm to biotically throw the Eclipse lieutenant about 15-20 feet against a shipping crate.)

(Samara runs towards the Lieutenant and does a biotically assisted jump and lowers herself to the ground with biotics)

(She slowly advances on the cowering Lieutenant and places a booted foot onto the Lieutenant's throat).

Samara: What was the name of the ship she left on?

Eclipse Lieutenant: Go to hell.

(There is a long pregnant pause.)

Samara: Find peace in the embrace of the goddess.

(Samara then breaks the Lieutenant's neck as Shepard and company approach her. She looks up.)

Samara: My name is Samara, a servant of the Justicar Code. My quarrel is with these Eclipse sisters (her arm sweeps out towards the dead lieutenant), but I see three well-armed people before me. Are we friend? Or foe?

Shepard (FRIENDS)

Shepard (YOU KILLED IN COLD BLOOD): That merc was wounded and helpless. Do you just kill anyone who won't help you?

Samara: If my cause is important enough, yes. Are you different?

Shepard (NOT REALLY)

Shepard (YES, I AM): I've killed enemies, but always with good reason.

Samara: I answer to a code that is clearly defined. If my actions are true to that code, I am just. If they are not, I am unjust. I don't pretend it is a simple matter, or that it seems right to everyone. But I sleep well at night, and that is more than most can say.

Samara: How may I be of service to you?


Samara: The Collectors are a worthy foe; I would relish testing myself against them. But I seek an incredibly dangerous fugitive.

Shepard (I NEED YOU ON MY TEAM): I'm going up against suicidal odds, and I need the best -- that's you.

Samara: I sense the truth in what you say, and it humbles me. But I seek an incredibly dangerous fugitive.

Samara: I cornered her here, but the Eclipse sisters smuggled her off-world. I must find the name of the ship she left on before the trail goes cold.

(Samara looks down at the Lieutenant's corpse)

(Detective Anaya enters the room)

Anaya: I wish you were willing to go with the human, Justicar. I've been ordered to take you into custody if you won't leave.

Samara: You risk a great deal by following your orders, Detective. Fortunately, I will not have to resist. My code obligates me to cooperate with you for one day. After that, I must return to my investigation.

Anaya: I won't be able to release you that soon.

Samara: You won't be able to stop me.

Shepard (WHAT JUST HAPPENED): Uh, the human is lost here. Can one of you clarify?

Anaya: I was trying to convince her to leave with you. But justicars and their Code...

Samara: The detective has been ordered to detain me; I can't force her to disobey an order.

Garrus: And after a day, Samara fights her way out of custody, killing anyone in her way?

Grunt: Asari are stupid. Your code just means you kill her tomorrow instead of today.

Samara: I am afraid so.


Shepard (MAYBE I CAN HELP): There must be some way we can all get what we need.

Samara: I see a way. While I am in custody, you find the name of that ship. Do that, and I will join you. Then the Code will be satisfied.

Shepard (JUSTICARS): Can you tell me more about Justicars?

Samara: We are individuals who have forsworn family, children, and worldly possessions aside from some weapons and armor. We travel asari space righting wrongs, as defined by the ancient code we have each memorized.

Shepard (WHY DID YOU LEAVE ASARI SPACE?): Ilium may be dominated by Asari, but it isn't in Asari space.

Samara: My quarry fled to this place. I am sworn to hunt her down, and I will follow anywhere she goes. It is rare for a justicar to leave asari space, but I must follow my oath. If I suffer for it, I will accept that.

Shepard (CHANGE OF HEART?): A moment ago, you refused to give up your investigation. But now you'll swear to follow me?

Samara: If I stay, I will be compelled to kill many innocents to escape incarceration.

Anaya: Like me.

Samara: I may be killed -- and my quarry would be free to continue murdering. If I come with you and survive your mission, I can resume my investigation. To do that, I need the ship's name to track her to her next hiding place. It is a simple choice.

Thane: A slim chance is better than no chance.

Shepard (STRICT CODE): This Justicar Code seems quite strict.

Samara: It may seem so to you, but this is my oath. The expedient path may be fast and simple; that does not make it the right path.

Shepard: Do you have any leads?

Samara: The volus merchant, Pitne For, is tied to this. Eclipse mercs are preparing to kill him. Get the truth out of him. He may know a way into the Eclipse base.

Anaya: Well, I've got to get back to my station. And, I guess I've got to take you with me.

(Samara nods)

Samara: Thank you, Shepard.

(Both Anaya and Samara leave)

(Shepard goes to investigate Pitne For)

[I've discarded most of the conversation with Pitne For, except for these lines]

Pitne For: I smuggled a chemical onto Illium that boosts biotic powers in combat. It also is toxic. I may have, um, forgotten to mention that to the Eclipse. So they are perturbed and want to kill me.


Pitne For: Take it [the passcard]. But be careful -- each Eclipse sister commits a murder to earn her uniform. They are all dangerous.

(Shepard begins to fight their way through the Eclipse Compound. After one of the containers explodes in a cloud of dust during the firefight, EDI interrupts:)

EDI: Shepard, my scans confirm that the chemical compound will boost biotics. However, concentrated exposure will cause severe tissue damage. I recommend limited exposure.

(Following a gun battle Shepard & Company approach a closed door and overhear a conversation from within)

Elnora: Oh, Goddess! Oh, Goddess, don't let them see me. If they do see me, don't let them kill me. What am I doing here?

(Shepard opens the door. Inside, Elnora, an Eclipse Sister is crouched behind a display monitor. Her pistol is on the floor next to her. She glances at it and back again. Shepard pretends to begin to leave the room, but spins around with their pistol at the ready. Elnora rises from behind the monitor showing fear.)

Elnora: Wait! Stop! I didn't fire my weapon once! I pretended to because the other Eclipse sisters were watching, but I didn't really shoot!

(Shepard stares suspiciously at Elnora and lowers their weapon)

Elnora: I'm not one of them! I'm new! I thought being Elnora the mercenary would be cool... but I didn't know what they were really like!

(Elnora suddenly grabs a holdout weapon stowed behind her back and there is a renegade interrupt. If you do nothing, your squadmates draw their own and stare her down until she slowly lowers her hidden pistol.)

Shepard: What do they do here that you don't like, Elnora?

Elnora: I thought we'd be flying around the galaxy shooting up bad guys and stuff, right? But no, they just sell red sand and illegal weapons tech. They even smuggled an Ardat-Yakshi off-world.

Shepard (ARDAT-YAKSHI?): What does “Ardat-Yakshi” mean?

Elnora: It's an ancient asari word for something that... I thought was just a superstition until now. It means "demon of the night winds." I didn't think they were real, but the boss said that this scary lady was one.

Shepard (SHIP NAME): What ship did they use for the smuggling?

Elnora: Wow, I have no idea! It was a few days ago and like I said, I'm new. They didn't tell me anything.

Shepard (GO): Get out of here, Elnora. If you so much as jaywalk, I will find you.

Elnora: Yes, ma'am! Okay, I'm going! Thank you!

(Elnora runs away)

(Shepard & Company fight through even more floors of Eclipse Mercs, encountering a Terminal that plays a very interesting audio recording)

Elnora: Well, it's official -- little baby Elnora is finally a full-fledged Eclipse merc! I earned my uniform last night when I killed that ridiculous volus. Up close, exploding rounds. Blew the little bastard's suit wide open! Hah! I can't wait to see some real action! Next time I go home, my friends are going to be so jealous!

Thane: Elnora was the killer. If we'd known...

Garrus: I'm sure Detective Anaya would be interested in this.

(Shepard fights through more Eclipse Mercs and Gunships before encountering a Volus who stumbles into them as he turns around)

Niftu Cal: I am a biotic god! I think things – and they happen! Fear me, lesser creatures, for I am biotics made flesh!

(He starts to glow with biotics and Shepard and company step away from him)


Shepard (CALM DOWN): You need help.

Niftu Cal: You need help! You stand before the mightiest biotic ever.

Niftu Cal: Yes, the Asari injecting so many drugs into me was terrifying. But then I began to smell my greatness! They may laugh when I fall over, but they don't know what I know in my head -- that I know that I am amazingly powerful. Fear me!

Shepard (WHERE'D YOU COME FROM): Are you part of Pitne For's trade group?

Niftu Cal: When I was mortal, I worked for Pitne. Poor soul is probably terrified that I have not returned.

Garrus: He hasn't reported your disappearance. Probably so his departure won't get delayed.

Thane: I get the distinct impression Pitne prefers money to friends.

Niftu Cal: Bah! I will wreak a just revenge upon his people! But first... the leader of these mercenaries is in the next room. I shall toss Wasea about like a rag doll!

Garrus: Shepard, this guy couldn't tie his bootlaces, much less fight.

Niftu Cal: I will tear her apart! My biotics are unstoppable!


Shepard: (YOU SHOULD LIE DOWN): Wasea will tear you apart. Take a nap -- you'll feel better.

Niftu Cal: Are you mad? I'm unstoppable! Feasting on her biotic-rich blood will be the last step of my ascension to godhood!

(PARAGON INTERRUPT – Shepard pushes him over)

Niftu Cal: But... great wind! Biotic god! I'm... I... what was I saying? I'm... tired.

(He struggles back to his feet)

Niftu Cal: You... may be right. Yes, I'm tired... I'll nap. Destroy the universe later...

(He slowly walks away)

Garrus: So much for godhood.

(They enter Wasea's sanctum. Captain Wasea is walking around with a holopad while drinking something. She slowly puts down the drink and looks up, angry)

Captain Wasea: Everything's gone to hell since we smuggled that filthy creature off-world. First a justicar shows up, now you.

(She drops the holopad onto a nearby table)

Captain Wasea: At least I can take pleasure in turning your head into a pulpy mass.

(She glows with biotics and she throws a large container at you. During the fight, she has several remarks)

Captain Wasea: If you're helping the justicar, you're deep into something terrifying.

(Additionally, several “Sisterhood Initiates” pour into the room to help her during the fight)

(After Wasea's death, Shepard takes her datapad from the desk)

There’s a justicar here! Probably looking for the one we sent off on the AML Demeter. I was happy to see her go; she chilled me to the bone. I just hope this justicar doesn’t mess up my operation.

Garrus: That must be the ship Samara was looking for.

Thane: Should we head back to the police station and give her the name, or look around first?

(Apparently there is also a datapad nearby in her office that has this:)

Little Elnora earned her uniform last night by taking down the volus. She did it at close range with exploding rounds, and she was laughing the whole time. She might enjoy this a little too much. Keep an eye on that one. Wasea

(Shepard and company return to Anaya's office, where both Samara and Anaya are waiting.)

Shepard: I've got the name of the ship. Your fugitive left here two days ago on the AML Demeter.

Samara: Shepard, you impress me. You fulfilled your part of the bargain, and I will fulfill mine.

(Samara slowly gets up from where she is sitting cross-legged on a ledge in Anaya's office)

Samara: I am ready to leave immediately, if that will satisfy your superiors, Detective? (Samara bows ever so slightly)

Anaya: You're free to go, Justicar. It has been an honor having you in my station. And it's nice you didn't kill me, too.


Shepard (YOU HUNT AN ARDAT-YAKSHI): The Eclipse smuggled an Ardat-Yakshi off-world. She's who you're really after, isn't she?

Samara: You continue to impress. Yes, I was here tracking the Ardat-Yakshi. She is a dangerous criminal, and I will bring her to justice. After your mission is complete, of course.

Shepard (I'LL MEET YOU ABOARD MY SHIP): The Normandy is docked near the main trading floor. I'll see you aboard.

Samara: I must be sworn to your service, so that I am never forced to choose between your orders and the Code.

(A long pause as Samara's eyes start to glow with biotic power and she kneels. Detective Anaya gets up from her desk and watches.)

Samara: By the Code, I will serve you, Shepard. Your choices are my choices, your morals are my morals. Your wishes are my code.

(Samara glows biotically in an extremely strong burst of power and she stands up as the biotic glow around her and in her eyes slowly fades.)

Anaya: I never thought I'd see a justicar swear an oath like that.

Samara: If you make me do anything extremely dishonorable, I may need to kill you when I am released from my oath.



Shepard (I AM HONORED): I can see that this is a very important act, Samara. Thank you.

Samara: Truly, the life of a justicar can get lonely. I admit, I am looking forward to serving with a company of honorable heroes. Shall we return to your ship?

Shepard (I HAVE BUSINESS WITH ANAYA): I need to speak with the detective.

(Anaya looks at Shepard expectantly)

Anaya: Thanks for getting Samara out of my district. I can tell my granddaughters about meeting a justicar. And you've just upped my chances of living long enough to have grandkids.


Shepard (I FOUND THE MURDERER): I have proof that Eclipse killed the volus merchant.

(Shepard hands Wasea's datapad to Anaya)

Anaya: Let's see what you've got there. Interesting, but I can't verify it. It would be inadmissible.

Samara: I vouch for Shepard and any evidence he brings forward.

Anaya: I accept the judgment of the justicar.

Anaya: Thanks, Shepard. I wasn't sure about trusting a stranger -- and a human, at that. But you came through.

Anaya (If Elnora Killed): Never heard of this Elnora. Sounds like she was just starting her career. Good thing you cut it short.

Anaya (If Elnora Lives): It's a shame this Elnora escaped, but I'll get her. At least you've put her on the run.

Anaya: Okay, enough with all the congratulations, I've still got a spiraling crime rate.

Shepard (PITNE FOR IS A SMUGGLER): I have proof that Pitne For smuggled in red sand and illegal weapons tech.

Anaya: I'll send in some officers to arrest him and his cohorts. This is a big help, Shepard. I can't do much to thank you, but we do have a small discretionary bounty fund. Take this.

(Samara's Recruitment Mission Ends)

Future Arcs/Conversations with Samara and Morinth will be done later