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Mass Effect 1: Saren Arterius Conversations

Shepard encounters Saren on Virmire

Saren: I applaud you, Shepard. My geth were utterly convinced the salarians were the real threat. An impressive diversion. Of course, it was all for nothing. I can't let you disrupt what I have accomplished here. You can't possibly understand what's really at stake.

Shepard (YOU WORK FOR A REAPER!): Sovereign and its kind destroyed the Protheans! What else is there to understand?


Shepard (YOU DON'T FOOL ME): This isn't complicated. You'll do anything to get power. Even joining with the Reapers!


Shepard (SO MAKE ME UNDERSTAND): Why are you doing this?

Saren: You've seen the vision from the beacons, Shepard. You, of all people, should understand what the Reapers are capable of. They cannot be stopped. Do not mire yourself in pointless revolt. Do not sacrifice everything for the sake of petty freedoms. The Protheans tried to fight, and they were utterly destroyed. Trillions dead. But what if they had bowed before the invaders? Would the Protheans still exist? Is submission not preferable to exinction?


Shepard (I WON'T BE A SLAVE!)

Shepard (IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE): Do you really believe the Reapers will let us live?

Saren: Now you see why I never came forward with this to the Council. We organics are driven by emotion instead of logic. We will fight even when we know we cannot win. But if we work with the Reapers--if we make ourselves useful--think how many lives could be spared! Once I understood this, I joined Sovereign, though I was aware of the... dangers. I had hoped this facility could protect me.

Shepard (YOU'RE JUST A PUPPET!): You're like every other poor bastard in this place. A tool Sovereign can use, then cast aside.

Shepard (BUT IT'S NOT WORKING IS IT?): You're afraid Sovereign is influencing you. You're afraid he's controlling your thoughts.

Saren: I've studied the effects of indoctrination. The more control Sovereign exerts, the less capable the subject becomes. That is my saving grace. Sovereign needs me to find the Conduit. My mind is still my own... for now. But the transformation from ally to servant can be subtle. I will not let it happen to me.


Shepard (YOU'RE A COWARD!)

Shepard (GETH): Why are the Geth following Sovereign?

Saren: They believe Sovereign to be some kind of god. The pinnacle of their own evolution. But the reaction of their deity is most telling: it is insulted. Sovereign does not desire the pitiful devotions the geth hurl at it. They are just tools, and no amount of belief on their part will change that. But as tools, they are useful. They will survive the coming invasion. If organic life is to survive, we must also prove we are useful. We must work with the Reapers.

Shepard (THE CONDUIT): Tell me why Sovereign needs the Conduit. Tell me what it is. Maybe we can find a way to stop them.

Saren: The Conduit is the key to your destruction and my salvation. Sovereign needs my help to find it. That is the only reason I have not been indoctrinated.

Shepard (IT'S ALREADY HAPPENED!): Sovereign's manipulating you and you don't even know it! You're already under its power!

Saren: No! Sovereign needs me. If I find the Conduit, I've been promised a reprieve from the inevitable. This is my only hope.


Shepard (Paragon: JOIN ME): Together we can stop Sovereign. We don't have to submit to the Reapers. We can beat them!

Saren: I no longer believe that, Shepard. The visions cannot be denied. The Reapers are too powerful. The only hope of survival is to join with them. Sovereign is a machine. It thinks like a machine. If I can prove my value, I become a resource worth maintaining. There is no other logical conclusion!

Shepard (HOW CAN YOU DO THIS?): You were a Spectre. You were sworn to defend the galaxy. Then you broke that vow to save yourself!

Saren: I'm not doing this for myself! Don't you see? Sovereign will succeed. It is inevitable. My way is the only way any of us will survive! I'm forging an alliance between us and the Reapers. Between organics and machines. And in doing so, I will save more lives than have ever existed. But you would undo my work. You would doom our entire civilization to complete annihilation. And for that, you must die.

Shepard encounters Saren in the Council Chambers on the Citadel

Saren: I was afraid you wouldn't make it in time, Shepard.

Shepard (I'M HERE NOW):

Shepard (KILLING GETH IS SLOW WORK): Had to wipe out a few hundred of your followers along the way. Sorry if I kept you waiting.

Shepard (IN TIME?): In time for what?

Saren: The final confrontation. I think we both expected it would end like this.

Saren: You've lost. You know that, don't you? In a few minutes, Sovereign will have full control of all the Citadel's systems. The relay will open. The Reapers will return.


Shepard (OUT OF MY WAY!)

Shepard (I CAN STOP THEM) I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve.

Saren: You survived our encounter on Virmire. But I've changed since then. Improved. Sovereign has... upgraded me.

Shepard (IT WON'T HELP)

Shepard (YOU'RE STILL DEAD): Fancy hardware's not going to save you.

Saren: You don't understand, Shepard. There is a place for organics in the new order. The Reapers need men and women of action. People like us.

Sovereign recognizes your value. You've impressed it. Surrender to the Reapers and you will be spared. Join us and we can find a place for you.

Shepard (WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?): You let Sovereign implant you? Are you insane?

Saren: I suppose I should thank you, Shepard. After Virmire, I couldn't stop thinking about what you said. About Sovereign manipulating me. About indoctrination. The doubts began to eat away at me. Sovereign sensed my hesitation. I was implanted to strengthen my resolve. Now my doubts are gone. I believe in Sovereign completely. I understand that the Reapers need organics. Join us and Sovereign will find a place for you, too.

Shepard (ENOUGH TALK!)

Shepard (YOU'RE INDOCTRINATED!): Sovereign's controlling you through your implants! Don't you see that?

Saren: The relationship is symbiotic. Organic and machine intertwined, a union of flesh and steel. The strengths of both, the weaknesses of neither. I am a vision of the future, Shepard. The evolution of all organic life. This is our destiny. Join Sovereign and experience a true rebirth!

Shepard (AS A SLAVE?): I'd rather die than live like that.

Saren: Then you will die. And your companions. Everyone you know and love. Everyone you've ever met. Don't you understand? You will all die! The Reapers can't be stopped. Not by the Protheans. Not by you. The cycle always continues.

Shepard (Renegade: THEY'LL BETRAY YOU!): The Reapers don't use organics! They devour and discard them! As soon as the conquest is over, you'll be cast aside!

Saren: I had no choice! You saw the visions. You saw what happened to the Protheans! Surrender or death -- there are no other options!

Shepard (Paragon: WE CAN BEAT THEM!): Sovereign hasn't won yet. I can stop it from taking control of the station! Step aside and the invasion will never happen!

Saren: We can't stop it! Not forever. You saw the visions. You saw what happened to the Protheans. The Reapers are too powerful.

Shepard (Renegade: YOU GAVE UP!): You could have resisted. You could have fought! Instead, you surrendered. You quit.


Shepard (Paragon: DON'T GIVE INTO THEM!): Some part of you must still realize this is wrong. You can fight this!

Saren: Maybe you're right. Maybe there is still a chance for... unh!

(Saren shakes)

Saren: The implants... Sovereign is too strong. I'm sorry. It's too late for me.

(Shepard stands up)

Shepard (Renegade: IT'S NEVER TOO LATE!): There's still one way to stop this... if you've got the guts.


Shepard (Paragon: THAT'S NOT TRUE!): It's not over yet. You can still redeem yourself!


Saren: Goodbye, Shepard. Thank you.

(Saren shoots himself in the head with his pistol and his corpse falls to the ground)

Shepard: Make sure he's dead.

(Squadmate shoots Saren's corpse repeatedly. There is a pause of several moments)

(Saren's corpse then suddenly is wreathed in red energy as all the organic components burn away, and the synthetic components grow and molt, becoming a gigantic Turian Husk, with a glowing red chest.)

Sovereign (speaking through Husk Saren): I am Sovereign! And this station is MINE!