Text/Data is from


Mass Effect 1: Benezia Scenes

Her Introduction Scene

(Sovereign is moving through space, while Saren is resting in a chair. Benezia approaches him from behind)

(She clears her throat)

Benezia: We identified the ship that touched down on Eden Prime. The Normandy. A Human Alliance vessel. It was under the command of Captain Anderson. They managed to save the colony.

Saren: And the Beacon?

(Benezia's eyes twitch left to right)

Benezia: One of the humans may have used it.

Saren: *Growls in Rage*

(Saren lurches out of the chair as the screen flashes between blue and red hues. He rushes forth and grabs Benezia by the head.)

Saren: This human must be eliminated.

(Benezia stares into the distance as the screen fades to black)

The Citadel Council “Prove it was Saren” scene

(Recording recovered from Geth memory core)

Saren: Eden Prime was a major victory! The beacon has brought us one step closer to finding the Conduit.

Benezia: And one step closer to the return of the Reapers.

Councilor Tevos: I recognize the other voice, the one speaking with Saren. Matriarch Benezia.

Shepard: Who's she?

Tevos: Matriarchs are powerful Asari who have entered the final stage of their lives. Revered for their wisdom and experience, they serve as guides and mentors to my people. Matriarch Benezia is a powerful biotic, and she had many followers. She will make a formidable ally for Saren.

Noveria Peak 34 External Laboratory

(Shepard has made a cure for a disease afflicting some of the surviving scientists)

(Asari Molecular Geneticist Alestia Iallis enters the room flanked by a Geth Infantry Platform and an Asari Commando with guns at the ready)

Alestia Iallis: Your mission ends here, Shepard.

Tali: I thought she seemed odd.

Ashley: What the hell?

Garrus: Ambush.

Shepard (WHERE'S THE GUARD?): What happened to Ventralis' man?

Alestia Iallis: I didn't have permission to come in. He got in my way.


Alestia Iallis: I was ordered to eliminate you, should the opportunity arise. And here you are, trapped in this lab.

Alestia Iallis: Weapons Free!


Shepard (YOU LIED TO ME.):

Shepard (KILL HER):

Noveria Peak 34 Hot Lab

(Shepard & Company enter the hot lab)

Benezia: You do not know the privilege of being a mother. There is power in creation. To shape a life. Turn it toward happiness or despair. Her children were to be ours. Raised to hunt and slay Saren's enemies.


Benezia: I won't be moved by sympathy. No matter who you bring into this confrontation.
(only said if Liara is a squadmate)

Shepard (THAT'S NOT WHY LIARA'S HERE): Liara's here because she wants to be. Not because I asked her to.

Benezia: Indeed? What have you told her about me, Liara?

Liara: What could I say, mother? That you're insane? Evil? Should I explain how to kill you? What could I say? (Liara brings both hands up to emphasize that last point)

Benezia: Have you faced an Asari commando unit before? Few humans have.

Shepard (WHAT ABOUT LIARA): I can't believe you'd kill your own daughter. (Shepard turns head towards Liara at that).

Benezia: I now realize I should have been stricter with her.

(Biotics envelope Benezia and she attacks with a stasis field on Shepard)

(Multiple doors open and Asari Commandos flood into the room; followed a few minutes later by more Geth mobile platforms.)

(After multiple waves of Commandos and Geth Platforms are defeated, Benezia collapses to her knees)

Benezia: This is not over. Saren is unstoppable. My mind is filled with his light. Everything is clear. (She slowly rises to her feet)

Shepard (THE RACHNI SEEM TO DISAGREE): The rachni didn't cooperate with you. Why should I?

(Benezia slowly turns to face Shepard)

Benezia: I will not betray him. You will-- You...

(Benezia leans against a desk before recovering her strength)

Benezia: You must listen. Saren still whispers in my mind. I can fight his compulsions. Briefly. But the indoctrination is strong.

Shepard (WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE YOU): Why are you able to break free of his control now?

Benezia: I sealed a part of my mind away from the indoctrination. Saving it for a moment when I could help destroy him. It will not last long.

Shepard (YOU MIGHT ATTACK AGAIN): So you could turn on me again.

Benezia: Yes. But it would not be my will, Shepard. People are not themselves around Saren. You come to idolize him. Worship him. You would do anything for him. The key is Sovereign, his flagship. It is a dreadnought of incredible size and its power is extraordinary.

Shepard (WHERE DID HE GET IT?): Sovereign's not like other ships. Where did it come from?

Benezia: I cannot say. The geth did not build it. Its technology is far more advanced than that of any known species. The longer you stay aboard, the more Saren's will seems correct. You sit at his feet and smile as his words pour into you. It is subtle at first. I thought I was strong enough to resist. Instead, I became a willing tool, eager to serve.

Benezia: He sent me here to find the location of the Mu Relay. Its position was lost thousands of years ago.

Shepard (HOW DO YOU LOSE A RELAY?): How does something that big go missing?

Benezia: Four thousand years ago, a star nearby went supernova. The shockwave propelled the relay out of its system, but did not damage it. Its precise vector and speed are impossible to determine. As millennia passed, the nebula created by the nova enveloped the relay. It is difficult to find any cold object in interstellar space. Particularly something swathed in hot dust and radiation.

Shepard: Someone on Noveria found it?

Benezia: Two thousand years ago, the rachni inhabited that region of our galaxy. They discovered the relay. The rachni can share memories across generations. Queens inherit the knowledge of their mothers. I took the location of the relay from the queen's mind. I was not gentle. (Benezia stares downward in shame)

Shepard (RACHNI FOUND RELAY): How did the Rachni find it?

Benezia: They searched, patiently. They are territorial creatures, driven to close any possible way into their systems.

Shepard (SAREN'S PLAN): Why does Saren need the Mu relay?

Benezia: He believes it will lead him to the Conduit. I would tell you more if I could, but Saren did not share his counsel with me. I was merely a servant to his cause.

Shepard (YOU REGRET YOUR ACTIONS): You can still make it right. Give me the information.

Benezia: I was not myself, but-- I should have been stronger.

(Benezia walks towards Shepard)

Benezia: I transcribed the data to an OSD. Take it. Please.

(Shepard takes the OSD from Benezia)

Liara: Knowing the relay's coordinates isn't enough. We need to know where to go from there.

Benezia: Saren wouldn't tell me his destination. But you must find out quickly. I transmitted the coordinates to him before you arrived.


Benezia: You have to stop-- me. I can't-- His teeth are at my ear. Fingers on my spine. You should-- Uh, you should-- (Benezia grabs her head and slowly walks back towards the Rachni Queen's tank.)

Liara: Mother, I-- Don't leave! Fight him!

Benezia: You've always made me proud, Liara.

(long pregnant pause and Benezia turns back to face Shepard and Company)

Benezia: –Die!

(Benezia begins to glow with biotics and attacks again)

(Benezia is defeated a second time)

Benezia: I cannot go on. You will have to stop him, Shepard.

Shepard (STAY WITH US): Hold on. We've got medi-gel, maybe we can--

Benezia: No. He is still in my mind. I am not entirely myself. I never will be again.

(Benezia steps backwards and starts to sway)

Liara: Mother...

Benezia: Good night, Little Wing. I will see you again with the dawn.

(Benezia collapses to the floor)

Benezia: No light? They always said there would be-- Ah...

(Benezia dies)

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Subvariants found in the files:
(They are in no particular order)

Benezia: Have you faced an Asari commando unit before? Few humans have.

Shepard (YOU CAN'T TAKE ME): You won't look so smug with a hole in your head.

Benezia: Your insolence is a poor mask for your fear. (Attacks)

– –– –– –– ––

(Benezia is defeated for thte first time)

Benezia: This is not over. Saren is unstoppable. My mind is filled with his light. Everything is clear. (She slowly rises to her feet)

Shepard (YOUR TROOPS ARE SLOPPY): I expected better from Asari commandos.

Benezia: I will not betray him. You will-- You...

– –– –– –– ––

Benezia: I sealed a part of my mind away from the indoctrination. Saving it for a moment when I could help destroy him. It will not last long.

Shepard (SAREN'S CONTROLLING YOU?): How can he compel you? He's not even here.

Benezia: People are not themselves around Saren. You come to idolize him. Worship him. You would do anything for him. The key is Sovereign, his flagship. It is a dreadnought of incredible size and its power is extraordinary.

Shepard (IT ATTACKED EDEN PRIME): The ship that akttacked Eden Prime? I didn't think anything that size could land on a planet.

Benezia: It has a very powerful mass effect drive. But that is not Sovereign's true power. The longer you stay aboard, the more Saren's will seems correct. You sit at his feet and smile as his words pour into you. It is subtle at first. I thought I was strong enough to resist. Instead, I became a willing tool, eager to serve.

– –– –– –– ––

Benezia: Four thousand years ago, a star nearby went supernova. The shockwave propelled the relay out of its system, but did not damage it. Its precise vector and speed are impossible to determine. As millennia passed, the nebula created by the nova enveloped the relay. It is difficult to find any cold object in interstellar space. Particularly something swathed in hot dust and radiation.

Shepard (GIVE IT TO ME): Tell me where the Mu gate is before I lose my temper.

Benezia: Of course, Commander.

(She walks up)

Benezia: I transcribed the data to an OSD. Take it. Please.

(Shepard takes the OSD from Benezia)

Liara: Knowing the relay's coordinates is not enough. Do you know where he planned to go from there?

– –– –– –– ––

(Benezia is defeated for the second time)

Benezia: I cannot go on. You will have to stop him, Shepard.

Shepard (TREACHEROUS WORDS): First you turn on the Council, now on Saren. You're not loyal to anything, are you?

Benezia: Hm. I suppose that is how history will know me.

– –– –– –– ––

Text files I can't place easily

Benezia: I still hear it. Like metal on metal. Squealing and reverberating.


Benezia: Thoughts echo strangely within Sovereign. Its rooms are built at unsettling angles.


Start talking, Benezia. What's Saren's next move?

I have no idea what you're talking about, and I don't care.

Like the asari on Feros.

We met Shiala on Feros. She told us about Sovereign's indoctrination.


This is not the end! I will not--

Are you saying he brainwashed you?

Benezia: There isn't much time. I transmitted the coordinates to Saren before you arrived.

So you could turn on me again.

You chose to join with Saren. You just got more than you bargained for.


Benezia: He sent me here to find the Mu Relay. He believes it will lead him to Ilos and the Conduit.

Benezia: It is a terror to be trapped in your mind. To beat upon the glass as your hands torture and murder. I was powerless; nothing but a tool for Saren.

We don't have to fight. You can return to the Citadel with us.


I guess you won't negotiate.