Text/Data is from


And the ME1 Game Files

Mass Effect 1 & 3 – Leviathan of Dis Backstory

Jartar Information from ME1 Planetary Information Screen

Jartar is a terrestrial world with a trace atmosphere of krypton and xenon. The surface is hot, and mainly composed of unremarkable silicates. Occasional deposits of aluminum, magnesium, and other light metals can be found.

Jartar is noted for the discovery of the "Leviathan of Dis," the apparent corpse of a genetically engineered living starship. The Leviathan was found in the bottom of a crater by a batarian survey team, and estimated to be nearly a billion years old. It "disappeared" after a visit to the system by a batarian dreadnought twenty years ago.

Since then, the batarians have steadfastly denied that the Levithan existed at all – and all the more vociferously when shown recordings of the corpse made by salarian researchers.

Orbital Period: 2.8 Earth Years
Radius: 1410 km
Day Length 2.8 Earth Years
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.00 Earth Atmospheres
Surface Temperature: 82 Celsius
Surface Gravity: 0.17 G

Mass Effect 3 – Shepard and Balak Talk on the Citadel

(Shepard is on the Citadel at a terminal)

Shepard: Noles, this is where the last access code was used.

Noles: What's that, Commander? I'm losing your signal.

(A gun is suddenly shoved into Shepard's back)

Balak: Shepard.

Shepard: Balak.

Balak: You should have killed me on that asteroid over Terra Nova. I've been waiting for this. Everything that has happened to my people is your fault.

Shepard (WHY BLAME ME?): All I did was stop you at Terra Nova.

Balak: Yes. After you ruined my plans, my government accelerated research efforts on the Leviathan of Dis! Have you heard of it, Commander? The ancient organic dreadnought my people recovered from Jartar 20 years ago? Sound familiar?

Shepard: A Reaper. Your people were studying a Reaper corpse.

Balak: Yes, looking for a way to reclaim our place as the true power of the galaxy. Hundreds of our best scientists were enlisted...

Shepard: And then they became indoctrinated.

Balak: When the Reapers reached Khar'shan, our own people betrayed us. Defense grids were deactivated. Ships fired on allied targets. We were destroyed from within... because of you.

Shepard (BLAME THE REAPERS): I didn't destroy your people, Balak. The Reapers did that.

Balak: We were a proud race, a beautiful race! Have you seen what the Reapers have done to us? I am trapped on this Citadel. Our warships only know the locations of Reaper forces because I've tapped Council transmissions. I am the highest-ranking military officer left in the Hegemony. I can't save my people! But I can end you.

Shepard (JOIN US! – Paragon): Balak, you sent that asteroid toward Terra Nova to help your people. But what does killing me accomplish?

Balak: Vengeance. The Bahak system...

Shepard: They would've died anyway when the Reapers showed up. You know that. I'm uniting the krogan and the turians. We're the best hope for this galaxy. If you care about your people...

Balak: Aaah!

(Balak lowers the gun and walks away)

Balak: Our ships are yours.

(Officer Noles walks up)

Noles: Shepard. Are you all right?

Shepard: Fine. You won't have any more trouble with those codes.

Noles: Is that... Do you want me to arrest him?

Shepard: I want you to put a bullet in his head... but we're all making some sacrifices today.


Shepard: Let him go. Spectre authority.