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XA-45 / B-51 (Glenn L. Martin Model 234)

Performance Document Definitions

PD = Performance Data (Early WWII Era)
ACP = Airplane Characteristics and Performance (WWII Era, lasted into about 1948)
SAC = Standard Aircraft Characteristics (Began being used around 1948)
CS = Characteristics Summary

PDF Files

XB-51 CS 11-JUL-1952 - (1.33 MB)
XB-51 CS 19-MAY-1950 - (1.31 MB)
XB-51 CS 26-SEP-1949 - (1.33 MB)
XB-51 SAC 11-JUL-1952 - (9.74 MB)
XB-51 SAC 19-MAY-1950 - (10.32 MB)
XB-51 SAC 26-SEP-1949 - (11.61 MB)


XA-45 Martin Model 234 Steve Pace -- 0.14 MB, 1500x1017

NOTE: This is the early April 1946 proposal by Martin for the XA-45 competition with two TG-110 turboprops and two I-40 turbojets.

In Spring 1946, a requirement revision led to the XB-51 that we know and love.