Atmospheric Calculator
(Created 12 December 2017)
(Revised May 2024)

Red = System output boxes.
Green = User input boxes.

This calculator is based off "AtmosModeller" found at the following NASA Page (LINK)

Velocity (MPH):
Velocity (Mach):
Altitude (feet):

Speed of Sound (MPH):
Speed of Sound (KM/hr):

Static Air Temperature (F):
Static Air Temperature (C):

Density (slugs/ft3):
Density (kg/m3):
Density vs Sea Level:

Static Pressure (PSF):
Static Pressure (PSI):
Static Pressure (kPA):
Static Pressure vs Sea Level:

Dynamic Pressure (PSF):
Dynamic Pressure (kPA):

Stagnation Pressure (PSF):
Stagnation Pressure (kPA):

Stagnation Temperature (F):
Stagnation Temperature (C):