Silent Hunter I
NOTE ON SOURCES FOR THIS PAGE A good portion of the data was recovered through the use of the RUBY script wayback_machine_downloader on the following websites: http://www.silenthunter.com |
Following the original CD-ROM release of Silent Hunter on 25 March 1996, several expansion packs and one “gold” compilation were released by SSI.
In chronological order, they are:
Silent Hunter Patrol Disk 1 (1996) - An expansion disk coupled with an upgraded version (Version 1.1) of Silent Hunter. Two new patrol zones – Sulu Sea and Malaysia – were added, as well as fifteen historical scenarios.
The v1.1 patch added features such as:
Red night lighting, Sub vs. Sub Combat, Radio Logbook, Enhanced Enemy Aircraft Attacks, Submarine Anti-Air Routine, Deception Option (Debris), Hull creaking when deep, Improved Ship ID Book and “special operations” missions: Photo Recon, Life Guard Duty, Commando Deployment, and Commando Resupply.
Silent Hunter Patrol Disk 2 (1997) - Upgraded Silent Hunter to V1.2. Included the scenario editor; another 2 new patrol zones, Hong Kong and Vietnam (Indochina) and fifteen new historical scenarios.
Silent Hunter Patrol Disk 3 - Added 2 more patrol zones – Aleutian Islands and Java Sea – and 15 more historical scenarios. This disk was only available by ordering online with SSI or SUBSIM Review.
Silent Hunter Commander's Edition – Includes all three patrol discs and is patched to version 1.31 “out of the box”.
Your best bet is to go on Amazon or E-Bay and buy a used copy of the Commander's Edition, because that version includes all the addons as well as all the patches (up to the last one – v1.31).
Silent Hunter Manual (1.6~ MB PDF)
This is the main manual for the game, but it doesn't include the Scenario Editor or the new features added in the v1.1 patch.
Silent Hunter: Commander's Edition Addenda (545~ kb PDF)
This details the new features that were added up to the final version 1.31; including: Scenario Editor, LifeGuard Duty, etc.
Version 1.xx to 1.30 Patch (5.4~ MB ZIP)
This will update pretty much any version to 1.30.
Version 1.30 to 1.31 Patch (781~ kb)
This will update version 1.30 to the final 1.31 that shipped with Silent Hunter: Commander's Edition.
The "copy protection" used by Silent Hunter requires that the game CD-ROM be inserted into the CD drive for the game to function. The copy protection 'check' was made by looking for the presence of the 17,028,772 byte file named "10.SMK" in the "\SH\BUD" sub-directory on the game CD-ROM. The following method eliminates the need for the game CD-ROM to be present in the CD drive when playing the game:
First, create a sub-directory named "\BUD" in the game sub-directory on your hard drive. From our above example, in the "x:\GAMES\SILENT" location we would now have "x:\GAMES\SILENT\BUD":
Second, now copy all of the "*.SMK" files in the "\SH\BUD" sub-directory from the game CD-ROM to the above created "x:\GAMES\SILENT\BUD" sub-directory on your hard drive. This will require an additional 115 MB of hard disk space over and above the 83 MB required by the Silent Hunter Maximum Install.
Third, with NOTEPAD edit the file "ShPath.ini" located in the "x:\GAMES\SILENT" sub-directory to look identical to the below file configuration:
ShPath.ini file contents:
You have now eliminated the need to have the game CD-ROM inserted to play the game.
An alternate method is to go into SH.EXE and go to the 000855D6 (546,262) offset, and change it from:
E8 76 0B 00 00
0 90 90 90 90
This zip file contains 198 custom missions from various websites, and includes the following sub-mission packs:
Jeff Johnson's COMSUBPAC Mission Pack (10 Missions) (13 kb ZIP)
Jeff Johnson's Mission Library (117 Missions) (152 kb ZIP)
SUBSIM Pacific Mission Pack (7 Missions) (10 kb ZIP)
Jim Atkin's (silenthunter.com) Missions (36 Missions) (77 kb ZIP)
Tom Martin's Missions (12 Missions) (23 kb ZIP)
Along with many other missions from now-defunct websites. To use, place them in the \CUSTOM folder in your SH Directory.
DOSBox Font Fix for SHReal (3 kb ZIP) Put this file in your SILENT game folder after installing the SHReal mod to fix font corruption under DOSBox. Launch SHReal.exe in DOSBox. SHReal Mod (118 kb ZIP) This Historical Realism patch is aimed at the diehard realism fans, those that distinguish between a game and a simulation. The main purpose of this patch is to correct some historical inaccuracies in Silent Hunter. It gives all of the S-class boats their historical hull numbers, modifies the layout and/or performance of some classes of subs to reflect historical wartime specifications, and corrects a few annoying little things in the game like engaging the enemy in a surface gun action while cruising along at 35-foot keel depth. It will also allow you to mount the deck gun forward on the deck of those fleet-class subs that have them mounted aft. Overall, SHReal gives the player five options to implement in the game. You may select any or all of the options to install, or choose to restore all options to their original factory settings. The options are itemized below: 1. Historical hull numbers for the S-class boats Silent Hunter's game designers, for some unknown reason, failed to give the S-class submarines the hull numbers they were actually assigned during WWII. This option fixes that by giving all of the S-class subs their historical hull numbers. 2. Layout, performance, & depth modification for the S-class boats Only a few of the S-class boats had an aft torpedo tube. None of those that served in the Pacific during WWII had one. This option removes the after torpedo tube and reload and puts 2 more reloads in the forward torpedo room to maintain the total torpedoes carried at 12, the historical load. Performance has also been modified to conform to historical specifications, an option that will help you appreciate what the crews on these boats had to deal with. Periscope depth is changed to 48 feet instead of 65 feet. Research indicates that the S-class boats carried a 34-foot periscope and that it was used from the control room, not the conning tower. Likewise, radar depth has been modified and the maximum depth for surface operations such as manning the bridge and deck gun has been changed to something a bit more realistic. 3. Layout, performance, & depth modification for the Narwhal-class boats Both of the Narwhal-class submarines were soon relegated to special mission duties during the war. They were used to transport personnel and supplies in roles unsuited for surface vessels. Both spent the majority of their war patrols in and around the Philippines. Some of the torpedo tubes were external and when the Narwhal & Nautilus were modified to assume the transport & supply role, much of the internal reloading equipment was removed. This patch reflects this by reducing the torpedo payload for the Narwhal class. They were also given a new 4-engine powerplant, similar to the Gato and later classes. This option gives these boats the new engine layout and corresponding performance modifications. Depth settings are also corrected. 4. Depth modification for the fleet-type boats This option modifies depths for the fleet boats to give more historical or realistic settings. 5. Change deck gun position on the newer fleet-type submarines On the newer fleet-type submarines, the deck gun could be mounted forward or aft as the captain saw fit. Most players have a preference for a deck gun mounted forward or aft and this option allows you to move the deck gun from the aft position to the forward one on the Salmon/Sargo, T-class, Gato, and Balao class boats. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: After you have downloaded SHRSETUP.EXE you must run it to extract all of the files to the proper folders. * Win95 & Win98 users -- Select Run from the Start menu. * Win3.x users -- Select Run from Program Manager's File menu. Now type in the path to SHRSETUP or click the Browse button to locate the downloaded file. Then click the OK button. Make sure the "Unzip to Folder" field contains the correct path to your Silent Hunter folder and press the Unzip button. You're done with the installation! USING SHREAL: After you have downloaded and installed the software, SHREAL.EXE should be in your Silent Hunter folder. To run it in Windows just switch to your Silent Hunter folder and double-click the SHREAL file. To run it in DOS, switch to your Silent Hunter directory and type SHREAL at the DOS prompt. Select the options you want to install and press the Continue button. To restore all of the original settings, press the Restore Defaults button. Any and all changes you make will remain in effect until you use the Restore Defaults option. In other words, if you run the program once and only choose the first option, then run it a again and choose the third option, the game will now run with both the 1st and 3rd options in effect. There is a small online help screen inside the program to help you decide which options to install That's all there is to it. Enjoy! DISCLAIMER: "Silent Hunter" is a trademark of Strategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI). This software is to be used at your own risk. SSI does not endorse or support this software, and accepts no responsibility for its use. By installing and using this software you assume full responsibility for its use and hold no claim of liability against the author or SSI(Strategic Simulations, Inc.). This realism patch has been thoroughly tested on several different platforms with Silent Hunter - version 1.31, however I make no express or implied warranties on this software and I bear no liability for any data loss or damage associated with its use. This software is freeware and may be distributed freely with the following exceptions: 1. This archive must be distributed "as is" and include all original files and documentation. 2. These files may NOT be included in ANY software collection or package, commercial or otherwise, without the express written consent of the author. 3. You may not sell or trade these files for profit or make money using them in any way whatsoever. All files and programs are: |
This zip file contains a large amount of data on the game's file structures from someone who did it before me.
This zip file contains the following programs:
Tom Martin's SH Tips (from the now-defunct http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~tlm/silent.html)
Submarine Speed Table – This table shows the various speeds achieved by the submarine classes in Silent Hunter in different sea states and engine telegraph settings.
Patrol Charts (from www.battlebelow.com's R.J. “Hondo” Hayden)
Southern Japan
Northern Japan
Yellow Sea
Caroline Isles
Frank Kulick's Manual Ranging Guide
Frank Kulick's “S-Boat No-TDC Attack Procedures”
Silent Hunter Equipment AvailabilityThis table tells you at what dates during the SH campaign that various technologies become available for your boat. |
A-Scope |
Simple Radar Scope |
December 1941 |
SD-Radar |
Air Search Radar |
January 1942 |
SJ-Radar |
Surface Search Radar |
August 1942 |
Improved SJ-Radar |
Surface Search Radar |
December 1942 |
Bathythermograph |
Detects thermal layers |
March 1943 |
PPI Radar Scope |
Advanced Radar Scope |
September 1943 |
APR-1 Radar detector |
Detects Enemy Radar |
May 1944 |
Upon receiving the orders, locate the port with the red "T" on the chart screen. This is your target area. Once inside the harbor, the T will mark the facilities to be photographed so make a bee-line for it. You need to be fairly close and it can only be accomplished during the daylight hours (so time your entrance into the harbor accordingly). A red marker will appear in your TBT or periscope view field indicating that you are in range to snap a picture. Now hit the "TAB" key. The red T will have disappeared from the chart screen and you'll hear "Mission completed, sir".
As in a Photo Recon mission, you'll receive orders to be on stand by to support an air strike at some designated point. Take a look at your chart screen and you'll see a blue triangle. Pay particular attention to the time you need to be on station . . . you don't want to be late, otherwise you'll miss the show. Once you've taken your assigned station off the coast, you'll be able to pick up the incoming flights on your RADAR screen as they head to their target area. You can even watch the attack as it takes place. Once the air strike is completed, the approximate location of any downed pilots will be marked with a blue triangle. Head for this blue marker. Your lookouts will announce "Downed pilot spotted". Close to within 200 yards and you'll hear "We're close enough for a rescue".
Immediately, cut your speed to 5 knots or less (otherwise you might run the aviator over) and hit the "E" key to extract the pilot. It's not always a cake walk - you might have to contend with enemy patrol boats or aircraft so it'll take some careful planning and maneuvering to successfully complete the mission.